Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: I have a SDRAM on the EMIFB and the refresh rate is 16 ms and 4096 rows.
The tRAS_MAx is 120k ns, and I viewing Table 19-22 in document SPRUH 91D–March 2013–Revised September 2016
The formula for T_RAS_MAX…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: Hello,
TRM SPRUH91D Table 19-22 shows
T_CKE = (tcke x femb_ck) -1
In table 19-28 shows T_CKE = (tras / EMIF_CLK) -1
The SDRAM data sheet has a tras specified, so used T_CKE = (tras / EMIF_CLK)…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: Hello E2E Experts,
Good day.
I come across an error for building a target C6747 DSP device project. CCS is V 7.4.24.
Seems like we are now looking for a ./ pspiom/cslr / directory that is non-existent.
Quite a few…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: In document SPRUH91D–March 2013–Revised September 2016, page 789, the Refresh calculation is shown as • REFRESH_RATE = (EMIFB clock rate)/(Required SDRAM Refresh Rate) My EMIFB clock is 100MHZ…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: Hello.
I'd like to know that the difference between TMS320C6747DZKB4 and TMS320C6747DZKBD4.
According to data sheet, the difference is only "TEMPERATURE RANGE"
If so, is there a difference in the…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: Hi.
I am trying to use CCS7 with USB560v2, but it is not working properly. The following comment is displayed in Windows Device Manager: "The digital signature of the driver required for this device cannot be…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: I'm trying to program the TMS320C6747 thru CCS 5.2. while setting the target configuration, I do not see an option to select XDS200 as the connection. I installed the drivers (release 9.2.0, here: https://software…
Part Number: TMS320C6747 Tool/software: Hi,
I want to add an interrupt to my established project. I have a vectors.asm file which I have added to project.
It has a reference to _my_isr which is my interrupt routine.
.ref _c_int00 .ref _my_isr .sect…