Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: Questions: (1) What is the accuracy of the DPLL inside the DSP? Is it about 1700ppm? Please provide the accuracy of the DPLL. (2) Is it possible that CLKOUT fluctuates due to an internal defect in the DSP? (3) What…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: I am using TMS320VC5507PGE. I am using it with CVDD = 1.62 V (196.608 MHz). 16.384MHz is multiplied by 12 inside the DSP to get 196.608MHz.
(1) What is the allowable ripple for CVDD? The following is stated for…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: Questions: (1) What is the accuracy of the DPLL inside the DSP? (2) Is it possible that CLKOUT fluctuates due to an internal defect in the DSP? (3) What could be the cause of CLKOUT fluctuation?
Situation description…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: Hi supporting team,
From a previous thread, I learned that RESET voltage must drop before DVDD and CVDD for the IC to power down properly. Is there an interval required between when RESET drops to a level below…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: Hi supporting team,
We want to know the circuit value of the USB DPLL Loop filter of TMS320VC5507 for software design.
The circuit information of t he PLL was not specified in sec 2.4 in the attached document(Universal…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Tool/software: Hi Expart,
My customer would like to know the detailed infromation about USB DPLL. Do we have any specific documentation to explain this?
e.g. Block diagram
Kotaro Yamashita
Part Number: TMS320VC5507 Customer needs a RoHS compliant assembly and usually uses a lead-free parts with SAC solder and reflow temp of 260 C max. The lead-free version of the TMS320VC5507 is not available to meet the schedule so they are considering…
Part Number: TMS320VC5507
Hi Team,
Our customer is developing their system with TMS320VC5507PGE (LQFP package). Customer is looking for documents that explain the detail storage conditions / mounting conditions of "TMS320VC5507PGE" and the baking/reflow…