Part Number: TMS570LS0432
Hello TI team,
We are under the process of certifying our product that makes use of SafetTI library in our product. For proving that we fulfil the expectation of a successful compliance to ISO26262, we refer to…
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: Hi
I am working on the GIO interrupt where i have selected port GIOA and enabled interrupt on high priority . I have set the direction as the input of the gio bit 7 ,but i am unable to get the result i want . …
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using TMS570LS0432 in my design. I have an use case where the SW breifly disables the interrupt using using VIM register as shown in the below code.
static inline void VimDisableInterrupt ( uint32 ch…
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , MSP-GANG Tool/software: Hi TI team
We are using TMS570LS0432 MCU in one of our project. For mass production, we are looking for gang programmer. Request you to suggest the same.
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: Under what circumstances does 570 experience unexpected data loss? Our device has experienced several instances of EEROM data loss at the end customer's end, and the cause cannot be traced; Please provide some…
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: I wan to write a data to the particular location in Bank0 withoust using Fapi functions and memcpy function to run program from RAM .is it possible to do ?
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: In TMS570LS0432 MCU we are trying to jump to application which address is from 0x0000E000 to 0x0005FE00
and BOOTLOADER address is 0x00000000 to 0x0000BFFF please send details ASAP.
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Tool/software: Hi everyone,
I'm encountering a data abort exception when attempting a software reset in my project using the FreeRTOS port generated by HalCoGen.
The reset works perfectly…
Part Number: TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: Hi, I installed CCS completely, but the card is not recognized because the drivers were not installed. Do you know how I could do it or where to download them?
Hi Sai Teja,
Unfortunately, i don't see any code related to the application jump in your screenshots or the code you shared.
If you want references for code jump, then please refer our CAN bootloader example or UART example in the below links. These…