Part Number: TMS570LS20216-EP Tool/software: For the S5LS20216ASPGEMEP/S5LS20216ASGWTMEP part, can you provide the qualification data? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216-EP Hi E2E,
My customer is looking at the TMS570LS20216-EP. says it's active but it's not available for samples or to purchase from TI, and distributors say there are 11 in stock globally. Is…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216-EP Hello All,
I'm using the SPI5 on a TMS570LS20216-EP to send three bytes to an SPI DAC.
I set the bytes with an 'spiSetData' then initiate the transfer with 'spiTransfer'.
What I see…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216 , TMS570LS20216-EP Hi,
you can have the data of inservice for aeronautical use of the processor TMS570LS20216?
Federico Lolli
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216-EP I am trying to setup the HET of a TMS570LS20216-EP very similar to the sin generation example (spna217).
But I also want to trigger a set of ADC readings and an external pin at a particular point on the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS20216 My company has a product that using TMS570LS20216. and this product is our major product.
We're using S5LS20216ASPGEQQ1.
But, Not enough stock on vendor's inventory. (We need 300~500pcs per month)