Part Number: TPS61089 Tool/software: Hi team,
My customer is considering to use TPS61089.
Could you let me know the recommended COMP constants for configuration below?
VIN: 3.3V
Iout range: 0.5-1.0 Amax
Fsw range: 1.1-1.2MHz
Desired inductor…
Part Number: TPS61089 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61088 Tool/software: Hi
Could you help suggest suitable products
Input: 4~5.5V
output: 7~12V (2A)
Switch frequency: 1Mhz(Min)
FB need COT Mode
Part Number: TPS61089 Tool/software: Hi
We need to know the SW node AC specifications of TPS61089 Confirm that the results we measure meet the specifications.
Can you help provide AC specifications?
For example: AC spike 18V;1us
Best regards,
Part Number: TPS61089 Tool/software: HI
The circuit is as attached. The input is 5V, and the output is 12V.
When the load at the 12V side is 0.3mA, the input current is 2.2mA, resulting in an efficiency of only 30%. How can this be optimized?
Part Number: TPS61089 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS61088 , Tool/software: Hi team,
My customer need TPS610891 to work in force PWM mode in light mode, but I cannot find the sample and part number. do you know are we intent to release that part…
Part Number: TPS61089 Dear Team,
There is another question I want to clarify.
For TPS61089x boost circuit, logic high EN pin is connected to VCC output pin with internal regulator.
Is this boosted 10V always on since VIN (From Charger VSYS voltage) always…
Hi Jelle,
The inductor SRN4012BAT-1R0M's saturation current is only 2.8A.
For 6V and 1A load, the calculated input peak current is about 4A.
When adding load, the inductor saturates and reaches the device's setting peak current.
Then the output…
Part Number: TPS61089 Dear TI experts,
My customer tests TPS61089 in their own PCB, and there is a problem.
The customer's condition is as below ;
input : 6.3V~8.4V
output : 8.6V, max 0.6A
Some inductors are destroyed under the condition above. (3…
Part Number: TPS61089 Hello colleagues,
I am going to hold up a display backlight supply voltage during pulses. The main 12V will start to drop down and the only one deactivating will be the display internal backlight driver circuit leading to flicker…
Part Number: TPS61089 Hi team,
The customers plan to evaluate the TPS61089. Could you please review the schematic for customer(especially in loop setting)? Vin is 8.4V. Vout is 12V, Iout is 0.3A rms 1A peak.
And there are another questions from customers…