Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65053 Hello , I need help please for TPS65053 STEP DOWN CONVERTER , the problem that when i power supply the compenent the component heat a lot.
i tried de enable only the first converter but it hot a lot too.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65053 I have a question about TPS650532.
Do you have the data of temperature derating?
We want to check that how much Iout of DCDC1 will change under temperature conditions around 80℃.
Best regards,
Takahiro Nishi…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65053 , TPS65217 , TPS65218 , TPS65916 , TPS65086 This is K Harshavardhan. We are looking for few different EVM'S of PMIC for training purpose in our team. Please do support us in selecting the latest and updated EVM's…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAPL138 , TPS65053 , OMAP-L138 , TPS65070 hi ,
I use tps65053 power managment ic for omapl138 , tps65053 VLDO1 1.8V output for omapl138 1.8VDD,but now the tps65053 1.8V output capability is not up to expectation, so do you…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65053 I have enough uncertainty about the PRTCSS of the DM365 that I need to submit my question. The documentation is either unclear or I'm not smart enough to understand it! Either way I need some guidance here…
Lower cost alternatives are TPS650006, TPS65000, and TPS650061. These are "power"only devices.
Also, TPS65073 is a more recently introduced product; it is packed with both "power" and "signal chain" resources. For…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320DM365 , TPS65053 , BQ24040 , BQ24070 , BQ24072 , BQ27200 I am trying to figure out how best to configure my system based on the requirements. I have an embedded battery system that will be recharged via USB. The power…
One good thing to try would be testing the power (TPS650532) without the processor. An easy way to do this is order the TPS65053 EVM and then test it with your components/values.
Hi RandyP,
Thanks for your suggestion.
The problem is settled. I found the power reset pin of DM6437 kept low. The reset signal is generated by the power mgmt ic tps65053. The input of THRESHOLD pin is less than 1V, so the reset output kept low. Increase…