For VDD1 DC-DC Converter ,
Output current sleep mode max 10mA => Mean on load sleep max current is 10mA , is correct ?
Ground current (Iq) sleep, unloaded max 50uA => Mean no load sleep max current is 50uA , is correct ?
I am considering using this part in a design and I have a couple of questions:
* is it possible to make a usb device which receives its power from VBUS at around 1.2A input current (which Battery charging spec v1.2 allows) using this device with no…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65921 We have implented a design using the TPS65921 device howeverf we are having issues in that at temperature (~85 deg C) the devices is pulling low the NRESPWRON signal causing the processoe to stop. Can anyone tell…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65930 , TPS65921 , TPS65291 Hi,
In our future design we're considering to move from TPS65930 to TPS65921.
The TPS65930 had a limitation where the minimum power up voltage @ VBAT was 3.2V (note for table 4.3 on page…
Hi Team,
An additional question has come up:
Is it possible to disable the internal pull ups on the KBD_R pins?
The TPS65921 register manual shows two registers (GPPUPDCTR2 and GPPUPDCTR3) which are described to control…
You can read the register using I2C. most of the resigters are rest after trn off except the one in backup domain,
Device follows preprogrammed sequnce based on the boot pins to power up every time. it can not be changed.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65921 , TPS65920 If the HFCLKIN is not connected, does the I2C still works?
Therew is no info on the clocking of the I2C block in the datasheet
Can you send the TPS65921 TRM?
We will look into this as soon as possible. Meanwhile, can I know the reason why TPS65981 is used in the design. We do not recommend customer using TPS65921 for new design.