Part Number: DLP-7970ABP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2744 , TRF7970A Dear all,
I have requested support "TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013". There is nothing reply whether pass or not. Because our company is developing something made…
Part Number: TRF7970A My customer apply TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013 firmware development SDK, but he do not receive approve mail. He use myTI ID "", may we appreciate who could help check his apply status?
Another side, they…
Part Number: TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013
Hi, I am working in TRF7970A EVM for Mifare application. I have the access to the "TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013" Mifare example provided by TI.
The TRF7970A EVM is in default hardware configuration…
Part Number: TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013 Hi Team,
My customer needs the Sample code of TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013 can we provide this one? May I also know the memory consumption of the sample code?
Part Number: TRF796X_TRF7970X_MIFARE_12_2013 We are using TRF7970 for RFID reader (13.56Mhz) and Cypress CY8CMBR3116-LQXIT for touch pad.
1. We are using 12 button touch keypad.
2. It works fine when RFID reader is disabled but when we enabled the RFID…
Hello Andreas,
I'm so glad to see you again.
For question 1: I have checked the MIFARE CLASSIC card with my android phone and another reader product. It shows that the card can accept a default password of six bytes of 0xFF. And read/write block data…
this link might be a good reference:
It also contains some further links to example code.
Best regards,
did you read the post?
I wrote: we don't have the source code of this GUI. It is too outdated. This EVM is also not supported anymore.
The only link I can provide is for the Mifare Firmware Development Package (…
Part Number: CC2640R2F Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TRF7970A Team,
In order to be able to use TRF7970A with CC26xx SoC:
Any plan to make the below src lib available a pre-compiled lib for CC26xx targets?…
Hello Martjin,
What is your use case here?
We don't really have expertise on Direct Mode 0 (DM0) anymore so it may not be possible to answer this question. Our focus with the TRF7970A is to support proper NFC applications and not proprietary RFID and…