Part Number: TS3USB30 Tool/software: Hi Team,
TS3USB30E -3DB bandwidth According to the measurement method provided on specifications, it is to continuously increase the signal frequency at the input end until 900Mhz to observe whether the output amplitude…
Part Number: TS3USB30E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC2G66 Tool/software: Hello support team,
I'm looking at using the TS3USB30EDGSR to disable a UART connection to host while the host is being programmed, or if the UART device is powered…
Part Number: TS3USB30 Dear Specialists,
My customer is looking for SPDT switch.
Could you please advise recommended device.
I'm looking for Switch between two hosts (PCs) and use one printer. Please introduce the USB 2.0 (480Mbps) 1:2 multiplexer…
Part Number: TS3USB30E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUXHS221 Dear Team,
May I ask how much Jitter and Latency will be added if it is used as a PCIe Gen5 CLK to channel switch?
Many Thanks,
Part Number: TS3USB30 Hello Team,
some muxes support break before make and a little output voltage drop is observed at switching time.
Can you confirm that TS3USB30 does not support break before make, please?
Thank you and Best Regards, Hans
Part Number: TS3USB30E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUXHS221 Hello,
We are trying to shift most of our components to Ti made ones. We are looking for alternative component made by Ti which is in stock and production to replace NXP NX3DV42GU,115. Below…
Part Number: TS3USB30 Hi expert,
my customer want to use TS3USB30 as a switch, to choose one signal between 2 input(125M and 100M). these 2 input are clock signal, so my question is TS3USB30 is for USB switch, any risk for using signal w/o any USB relationship…
Part Number: TS3USB30E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS3USB221A , , TS3USB221 I see for operating voltage, it’s recommended for Data input/output to stay within VCC. My customer has some corner cases where Data may be 70mV above VCC, but is current…
Part Number: TS3USB30E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS3USB221 , Hi team,
My customer now use our TS3USB30E, and they want to use TS3USB221 to replace TS3USB30E in some application.
Except the different of supply voltage, Whether they can be used interchangeably…