Part Number: TUSB211A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB211RPTREVM , Tool/software: Hi Is it possible to get schematic and layout files for the TUSB211RPTREVM, TUSB211A evaluation module?
Part Number: TUSB211A Tool/software: Hi, expert:
I see TUSB211A could support USB2.0 signal condition, how about the USB1.0? Could TUSB211A also support USB1.0? Thanks!
Part Number: TUSB211A Tool/software: Hello:
The resistors shown on the TUSB211AIRWBR chip are only for testing purposes and can be NotConnect, right?
Part Number: TUSB211A-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB216-Q1 , TUSB211A Tool/software: We have successfully used the TUSB211A-Q1 to meet the USB-IF eye diagram specification with a 150-cm actual vehicle cable.
However, despite ensuring that the…
Part Number: TUSB211A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB211RPTREVM Tool/software: I could not find the schematic for the eva board TUSB211RPTREVM.
Could you please send me?
Thank you.
Part Number: TUSB211A Tool/software: Does the TUSB211A improve signal integrity when not in USB TEST_PACKET mode? Are the compensation for AC and DC loss always applied during USB HS operation or only during USB-IF TEST_PACKET operation?
I guess my…
Hi Jesse,
The schematic looks more correct with the matching net names, thanks. This should help with ensuring the data lanes stay connected when going under the TUSB211A.
As long as the data lanes stay connected under U602, yes, the redriver can be removed…