Part Number: TUSB322I Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB422 , TUSB322 Hi Team,
Looking at the TUSB322 datasheet, there is no mention of needing to place 300pF capacitors on the CC lines; however, this is recommended in the typical implementation of the…
Part Number: BQ24296M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322I , BQ25616 Table-3 of the datasheet notes default charging current 2.048A. Table-6 mentions if PSEL = Lo, 3A (111) IINLIM Is it possible to enable 3A current autonomously (like TUSB322I + BQ25616…
Part Number: TUSB322I Hello team,
My device uses the TUSB32 2I as UFP with the HD3SS3212 . When using a type C to A 3.0 cable everything works great, but when using a Type C to C cable I have no detection. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Part Number: TUSB322I Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322 Hi
I read the datasheet (P.25) and the following post.
If the CC1 and CC2 is swapped…
Part Number: TUSB542 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322I ,
Hi team,
We plan to incorporate tusb542 and tusb322i into the circuit and use the UFP to mount a USB-C connector from a USB3.1Gen1 device to a device as an IF. Are there any processes that…
Part Number: TUSB322I Hi
I have a question about the configuration of VBUS_DET pin.
Our configuration is as below,
In this case, the resistor at VBUS_DET is 900kohm as mentioned on the datasheet.
However the another device (USB3320) is required the resistor…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322I , TUSB322 Hi team,
I have a question about cc1/cc2 of TUSB322I.
Due to we share the same pin that fpc compatible lightning & type c.
We have a case , cc1 & cc2 will connect to GND directly. (lightning…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322I The TUSB322i asks for a resistor values of 891k-909K between VBUS_DET and VBUS.
900K resistors with a 1% tolerance are hard to find.
Could i use a 909k resistor with 1% tolerance?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB322I , TUSB320 , TUSB320EVM Hello,
What is the shutdown current (typical / max) for TUSB322I (VDD = present, EN_N = H)?
Similar devices like TUSB320 have this specified in the datasheet, so I'm guessing its omission was…