Part Number: UCC37324 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC5390 Tool/software: Hey TI Experts, We are designing a circuit for Bidirectional current flow to and from a battery. The Mosfets are used in High Side Switching configuration arranged in back to…
Part Number: UCC37324 Hello
We are using UCC37324 to drive an array of parallel N-channel MOSFETs on the low side. The IC is supplied by 12V at VDD. Logic high at INA and INB is at 3.3V. The distance between output terminals (OUTA and OUTB) and the fi…
Part Number: UCC37324 Hi,
Good Day.
For calculating the ripple in individual inductor of current doubler rectifier, as shown in the below image, 'D' is used. As specified in the app note, this D is the duty cycle defined as the total positive…
Part Number: UCC37324 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC27712 , Hi, I would like to use the UCC37324 chip to power or drive a PMSM that we have design. However, we need to develop a specific design since the motor is a dual-stator with different winding…
There is no logic device that combines all these features.
It would be possible to combine a TTL-compatible, Schmitt-trigger inverter (SN74HCT14) and any strong inverter (SN74LVC2G14). Alternatively, use a gate driver (UCC37324).
Hi Mohammed,
This question is a continuation of this thread: In the future, just…
CD4000 logic has no guaranteed characteristics at 3.3 V, and is not specified for a 10 mA load.
You can instead use comparators like the TLC3704, or gate drivers like the UCC27516/UCC37324.
Part Number: TXS0102 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CD40109B , UCC37324 Hi team,
Do we have higher voltage buffer series? from 3.3V to 12V over two channel.
Best regards
Mia Ma
Part Number: UCC3895 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC37324
We are currently investigating one of our customers amplifier design that has UCC3895 full bridge driver making the +-180voltages for the AMP. The issue currently is that it is failing…