I have configured a GPIO (GPIO3[3]) as a interrupt source for both rising an falling edge. This works just fine so long as I don't enable debounce on the line at which point the GPIO no longer produces interrupts! The only difference between the working and non-working code are two lines of code where I set GPIO3.GPIO_DEBOUNCINGTIME=0x000000FF (for approximately a 7.9 ms debounce time) and then I set GPIO3.GPIO_DEBOUNCENABLE=0x00000008 (to enable debounce on GPIO3[3])
Am I supposed to also turn on / enable the CLK_32KHZ that is used for debouncing on GPIOs 1-3? The TRM mentions pd_per_gpio_3_gdbclk in section 25.2.2 (Table 25.3) but it is found nowhere else in the TRM so I am not sure how to configure it.