Read First: High-quality, comprehensive questions can help you solve problems faster
According to your question, please follow the prompts below to select the relevant information you can provide, which will help you get fast and accurate support.
Basic Information:
- Project information (Customer/ EE/ QTY/ Project Schedule)
- The full model name of the chip
- Test conditions (provide us ppc3 file)
- Working voltage, include PVDD, DVDD, AVDD, etc.
- Load resistance
- Output voltage
- The power of speaker
- Configuration: BTL or PBTL, 1SPW/Hybrid/BD mode
- Working frequency
- Provide screenshots or attachments of relevant schematics and layouts if possible
- Quality related information
- Failure rate
- Lot code, device silk screen picture
- Product application situation
Detailed description of the problem:
- Provide relevant methods to reproduce the problem, detailed experimental steps and failure waveforms
- Provide the state of FAULT/WARNING registers or pins
- If your question is related to sound effect, it would be better to take a video or record the problem sound.