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TPA3110D2: Schematics Review

Part Number: TPA3110D2


Could you please review the design of the schematics attached?

I have attached two sheets. The first sheet shows the part being used as a 10W Amplifier for calling purposes. Here, only 1 channel is used. So, is it okay to leave the 2nd channel open or should the placed components be populated? 

The second sheet shows the part being used as a 2 x 15W Amplifier for a Passenger Announcement (PA) System. 

  • Hi,

    Firstly, do not separate ground plane. Just one complete ground plane for AMP is fine.

    Sencondly, unused channel: audio input pins should be connected to GND through 1uF capacitors. BST caps are must, same as used channel. Output LC filter can be removed.



  • Hi Yanming,

    I haven't set the power-limiting resistors. Could you please help me on the same?

    I have 12V as input for both amplifiers. The first amplifier output should be single channel 10W and the second amplifier output should be dual channel 15W.


    Adithya Anil

  • Hi Adithya 

    The PLMT only can limit power voltage, it can not limit power.

    You can tune it when you get the boards by adjusting resistor value.

