i want to amplifiy the high impedance outputsignal of a ~130pF piezoelectonic hydrophone. I use this piezo only in the flat region of its frequency responce far away from resonance, in which it behaves mostly capacitive. For now i know that there are these generell ways to amplify such a signal:
a) use a voltage amp with very high Inputimpedance (>1 Meg Ohm)
b) use a Charge Amplifier made from an opAmp.
The output rms of my hydrophone is : 1uV < VoutRms < 50uV and the bandwidth should be from 1Hz to ~200KHz (ultrasonic) with minimal noise. I need to amplify this in the range of 0V-3.3V. (single supply ideally). The Amp or at least the Preamp can be placed right next to the Transductor. Between the two Terminals auf my Hydrophone i have to place diodes to prevent the voltage spikes > 0.6V. This creates additional parallel capacitance i cant avoid (reducing my sensitivity) . The current consumption is relaxed (?) as far it stays beyond < 10mA.
I know that i need a ~1G ohm input resistance for reaching down the 1Hz low Frequencycorner.
By now i have the following ideas in my head with noted doubts:
1) use a JFET (npn) in common source configuration and 1G Ohm Gate to Ground. This will lead to very low amplifikation (<10) in this stage but then i think after converting the impedance down i can use "standard" op amps to do the further amplifikation. I think i should use a JFET with low input leakage current and few input capacitances e.g. the 4117 Jfet. Noise?
2) use an instrumental amp like the INA331 with low input leakage current and do the further Amplifikation by standard Op Amps. I have to provide a DC bias current path for the inputs. I think these path will "destroy" the great input impedance charateristics of the instrumental amp. Am i right in this doubt?
3) Build an Charge Amp from an adapted OpAmp (which?). This means i need very low Feedback Capcitance, which would be hard to get work. This has the advantage to be irrespective from cable capacitances.
Iam fairly inexperienced in doing such a job and would hear the opinion of an analog expert. I dont want to go in the false direction or miss something important that a expert sees in the first moment...
Thank you very much!