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TAS6424E-Q1: Power Loss details for 4E 20W speaker

Part Number: TAS6424E-Q1


Hi TI team,

Is it possible to get real time power loss details or estimated power loss details for 4 x 20W 4E speaker connected with TAS6424E-Q1 ?

PVDD = 12V

  • Hi,

    This is something that is impossible for us to estimate as we do not know your speaker or your real-world audio signal.  You can actually measure this using our EVM using your speakers and your audio signal.

    Gregg Scott

  • Hi ,

    Agreed. But we are not having the EVK with us. In datasheet we have seen 86% as efficiency. we are using 4 x 20W speaker. So, by using data we are prediction maximum dissipation of 13W. is it right way to do the assumption? we need these values for thermal simulation of PCB board.

  • Hi,

    In audio, we almost never run the amplifier at full power continuously.  We typically run the amplifier with music that has a high crest factor, thus the average power is much lower than the full power.  There is a thermal example in the datasheet on page 69 in section 12.3.  This provides am explanation and a calculation method for a thermal design.

    Gregg Scott