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SRC4392: SRC4392: How does the interrupt mode: "level active" function?

Part Number: SRC4392



We are using 4 of the the SRC4392 parts in series (using same interrupt line) and trying to detect lock/unlock of the data.

I've got this set up on a rising edge, and can detect which part has the lock, but I can't seem to find a way of finding an unlock without setting the rising/falling edge active status for different situations (lock error/no error).

Would this be possible to do utilising the "Level Active" option for the DIR Unlock Error Interrupt Mode, and does this fire on both edges or tied directly to the state of the lock error?



  • Hi Ben,

    Although I have never tried this, I believe it is possible to utilize level action for  DIR Unlock Error Interrupt Mode. You can use register 18 , bits4 and 5, by default it is on rising edge but I prefer to go by level option, as it is tied directly to the state not edges.



  • Hi Arash,

    Thank you for your reply. Okay, so if I'm understanding this right, the interrupt will be pulled low whenever there is a lock error on any of the parts?

    Therefore, when using multiple parts, I won't be able to use this interrupt line as an interrupt as if even one of the parts has a lock error, the interrupt line will be pulled low until all parts have no lock error. This doesn't work for what we are doing, as we could have 1 part that has lock and 3 that are not locked.

    Instead, is there any way of checking when the lock has no error? I can do this on start up by changing the Interrupt Mode to "falling edge", but I can't seem to get the expected output when changing this dynamically during run time (as a flip-flop). I have also tried setting the MVBIT mask in 0x16 (set to falling edge) but this seems to only work some of the time and is not reliable.

    Is there any way to just check the reciever lock status without using the LOCK pin out?

    Thank you,


  • Hi Ben,

    I think you can only tell whenever there is a lock error and interrupt , but you can not tell which unit has caused it , unless you come up with additional circuitry to show the exact line. That is why I prefer to use levels rather than edges , since I can use simple digital gates to detect the specific lines with additional circuitry,

    Seems to me  using the LOCK pin is the only way to check the receiver lock status.



  • Hi Arash,

    OK - thank you for your help!

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Arash,

    Can you confirm whether the LOCK pin needs a pull-up when being routed to an input of the GPIO.



  • Hello Ben,

    The LOCK pin is an output pin and is being driven, so it doesn't need any pull up/down when it is being fed as input to another chip.

