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I want to use tas5828M in new project. Please help to add the TAS5828 app into PPC3 platform.
My email address for PPC3 is
please go to below link for ppc3 request.
Hi Jesse
I have download the documents as you guide. But i still can't find the tas8258 App in the pcc3. I tried reflash the app. I found another user asked similar question you replied you need to add his email address into user list. Can you help to add my email to the user list too? My email is
Thank you
hi zou
that link should also be able to apply the ppc3 access permission.
we already cannot grant the access permission by email.
hi Zou
i already don't have the right to check that.
maybe you can check this link.
please read the document to see whether you application hasn't follow correct steps.
as we already lost the grant permission, if you case is very urgent, you can find your sales to escalate the urgency.
I have read the Tas5828M installation guide.It mentioned i will see the app in Pcc3 interface. But I can find Tas5828 app , but only tas3251 and I2C Master App.
I find you ever reply another user the similar question, you mentioned that you need put the user's email address into the user list of the tas5828 app, then the user can find the app when open pcc3 and reflash app.
Please can you help me do the same?
just like what i have said above, that right be take back by TI system.
i already cannot do that.
applying from officail website is the only way.
ok, manual install is right. Maybe your gudie pdf should update. i've been confused so many days about it.