TAS5822M: PPC3 files

Part Number: TAS5822M


Hi ti team,

The customer's new project will use 2PCS TAS5822 amplifiers, marked as A and B.

PVDD supply voltage is 19V, tweeter load is 8Ω, and woofer load is 4Ω.

Requirements for A amplifier:
1. Input signal must come from the left channel.
2. Output signal must be divided into tweeter and woofer.
3. The output power limit for tweeter is 10W, and the output power limit for woofer is 30W.
4. Tweeter only receives signals above 3KHz, while woofer only receives signals below 3KHz.

Requirements for B amplifier:
1. Input signal must come from the right channel.
2. Output signal must be divided into tweeter and woofer.
3. The output power limit for tweeter is 10W, and the output power limit for woofer is 30W.
4. Tweeter only receives signals above 3KHz, while woofer only receives signals below 3KHz.

Please help me configure the PPC3 files for A amplifier and B amplifier, thank you!

  • Hi switch,

    To do a configuration like this, I would recommend to use the 1.1 process flow in PPC3.

    To do the input sourcing, set the Input Mixer to Left channel and the Mono Mixer (in the Woofer section) to Left channel as well. For the second device set these two to Right Channel.

    To do the crossover, set the equalizer on the common side to which ever LPF(s) is desired by customer. Then go to the crossover menu in the woofer section and set which ever HPF(s) the customer wants.

    To to the max power, the best way would be to adjust the volumes for each channel. Assuming what is meant by customer is that a 0dBFS signal correlates to rms output powers mentioned, then from the testing I did on my EVM, the Woofer needed a volume change of -5.25dB and the tweeter needed one of -7.875dB. The tweeter's volume is found on the top of PPC3 and the woofer's volume is found on it's mixer panel. The image below show what should be changed.

    Once configured, bring the device in and out of sleep mode using the state control also shown below.



  • Hi  Ramsey,

    Could you please provide a PPC3 file? Email address:zan.liu@arrow.com

  • HI Switch,

    Please check your email.



  • Hi Remsey,

    Import the PPC3 file you provided, and I found that the Woofer is not producing any sound.

  • Hi switch,

    It looks like the EVM is not being detected by PPC3. Make sure the EVM is connected to the computer and to a power supply. I would also recommend to go in and out of sleep mode like I had mentioned before.



  • Hi  Ramsey,

    This is for you to check the settings inside, without connecting the EVM. Using the PPC3 file you provided to connect the EVM, the tweeter is producing sound, but the woofer is not producing any sound.

  • Hi Switch,

    Did you go in and out of sleep mode after configuring the device?



  • Hi Ramsey,

    It's the same, the woofer isn't producing any sound.

  • Hi Switch,

    What is your input sample rate? I was able to get the .ppc3 file to work on my EVM with 4Ohm loads. Sample rate was 48kHz.

