OPA134: Impacts if the pin1 or 8, the new NC pins could not be opened

Part Number: OPA134


I'm reading a preceding thread
[OPA134: About pcn]

We would ask some more explanation to understand the removal of the Trim feature.

- Is it harmful if the existing circuit board has external trim circuits connected to pin1 and 8 ?
And it could be a rare case, but if we can't let the pins opened ?
- Are the pins 1 and 8 true NC ? Or actually have wires to the die ?
- In the case is there any careabouts like power sequences or Abs Max ratings ?
The datasheeet requires "Don't connect" to Pin1, "Float" to Pin8.

We would like to have a better understanding to the following lines in the datasheet.

We can find the line in the Revision history, in teh epage-21 of the datasheet Rev.B:
"Changed OPA134 pin 1 and 8 from "Offset Trim" to "NC".............3"

We can also find a footnote "(1) Existing layouts for the OPA134 before revision B of this data sheet do not need to be redesigned."
in the datasheet, page-3.

  • Hi Nambu,

    - Is it harmful if the existing circuit board has external trim circuits connected to pin1 and 8 ?

    The current pin1 and pin8 should not connect to anything internally. This was used for the offset trim function, and now it is open or not connected to anything. It should not affect the previous PCB layout as the note indicated. 

    Are the pins 1 and 8 true NC ? Or actually have wires to the die ?

    yes, it is true NC, which the datasheet indicates that no internal wire bonding was made from the die to the external pins on pin1, pin8 and pin5.  

    If you have other questions, please let me know. 

