I have a TAS2X63EVM module connected to PPC3 via USB.
I use the PPC3 in ROM mode, and audio for testing is from another EVM via I2S connection (jumper J27 is set to EXT for this purpose.)
The module can be powered separately by 5V and not via USB, so I want to use the TAS2X63EVM in standalone operation but cannot find documentation on how.
Does jumper J21 (EEPROM write protect) need to be removed? Can it self-boot from the on-board EEPROM on power up?
Is there a boot sequence that needs to be followed?
Am I missing something in the PPC3 software?
Hi Yerko,
What you describe cannot be implemented, unfortunately.
The EEPROM is used for other purposes and cannot be used to write initialization sequence to TAS2563.
You mentioned "audio for testing is from another EVM", do you mean you have multiple TAS2563 EVMs connected together? Or is this a different type of device EVM?
If you're using 2 or more TAS2563 EVMs, you can still use PPC3 and the software will recognize you have multiple of the same device.
Best regards,
-Ivan Salazar
Applications Engineer
Hi Ivan,
Thank you for the response and clarification. The other EVM is an Analog Devices DSP for Audio processing connecting via I2S to the TAS.
So I would need to make a protoboard with an MCU and use the End System Integration code generated in PPC3 to boot the TAS?
Also, is the TAS also capable of TDM so I can connect another IC (say a HP amp through I2S) correct?