I’m using the TLV320AIC3254EVM-K, with AIC3254 CS software v1.1.4. Initially, it was desired to just play through a signal, i.e. input signal routed to output. But so, far no luck. I’m reviewing all jumper and codec registers settings, but wonder if anyone has ideas on what might keep this from working out of the box.
Input signal is either signal generator or MP3 player, using 3.5 mm audio jack.
I’ve tried various combinations of J1 (IN1) and J5 (MIC INPUT) as input, and J7 (LINE OUT) and J9 (HEADPHONE OUTPUT) as output, without success. But I did notice, that when using the AGC option of the AIC3254 CS, the signal only correlates to what I’m putting in, when I connect the input to J5.
I’ve tried all the playbacks scenarios, such as “High Performance Stereo Playback”, “Low Power...”, “Direct ...”, “PGA ...”, etc, without any success as well.
Any insight would be appreciated.