I am attempting to create an amplifier with an output of 20-25w into an 8ohm load. The IC I am using to attempt this is the TPA3123D2 in BTL mode. I have built the circuit exactly as per the data sheet schematic. The issue is the amp will not come out of start up. I can see/hear a ticking happening about every 250ms. If I remove the output capacitors to ground the amp will start up but you cannot drive it very heard before it shuts down again. I am speculating the output short circuit protection is kicking in.
The unusual part is when I replace the TPA3123D2 with a TPA3124D2 in the same physical circuit it will work. I had the same experience with the TPA3122D2 in previous testing. The output will tick looking like the output short circuit protection is kicking in. Replace the TPA3122D2 with a TPA3125D2 in the same physical circuit and it works.
I have driven the inputs with a TL072, NE5532, and DRV134 based circuits. No change. I have try running from 12v to 24v.
What could be the differences between the TPA3123D2/TPA3124D2 and TPA3122D2/TPA3125D2 that would cause the output protection to trigger if that is what is happening ? How do I resolve this ?