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TLV320AIC3106 and OMAP L138

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP-L137, TLV320AIC3106, PLL1705

I am using Zoom OMAP L138 from LogicPD.


I want to set the sampling frequency of the codec which is AIC3106 to 96kHz.


How is it going to be done. I need to use AIC306 in dual rate mode when it is set to 48kHz.

How about the WCLK which is input from McASP. It is set to 96kHz how the condition for Fsref is going to be satisfied?








  • You are correct. If the AIC3106 is set to dual rate to achieve 96 kHz, the WCLK must also be set to 96 kHz. If the AIC3106 is salve (WCLK is an input) you will need to check with the processor folks to see how to set the WCLK. You could also set the AIC3106 to master such that the WCLK would become an output, but again you would need to check with the processor folks to make the processor the slave.

  • I use the AIC3106 as slave with the following settings 

    But AIC3106 still works at 48kHz.

    Any suggestions on the possible cause


    ADC/DAC= dual rate enabled

    wordsize = 32 bits

    MCLK =24576kHz,

    BCLK=24576kHz/4 = 6144kHz = 96kHz*2*32

    WCLk = 96kHz

    PLL is disabled


  • these settings look correct.


    The codec works. It was my tone I was supplying was problematic which led me to think the codec was not set to 9kHz. Sorry about that.



  • Hello,

    I'm trying as well to set fs to 96kHz and have a general question concering the Clock generation. (I'm using Evaluation Module OMAP-l137)

    If PLL is disabled, the manual (AIC3106 slas509e.pdf) says fs=CLKDIV_IN/(128*Q). With the aforementioned parameters and CLKDIV_IN=MCLK this gives 48kHz and not 96kHz.

    As well in the aic3106 test files (aic3106_loop_linein.c) there is written:

    FS = ( AIC3106.MCLK * K ) / ( 2048 * P ) 
    For a FS=[48 kHz] & MCLK=[22.5792 MHz] 
    48kHz = ( 22.5792 MHz * K ) / ( 2048 * P ) 
    P = 2, K[J.D] = 8.7075

    which is the formulation for PLL enabled. The register settings then write

    EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 3, 0x22 ); <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2]
    EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 4, 0x20 );<- [J=8]
    EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 5, 0x6E );<- [D=7075]
    EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 6, 0x23 );<- [D=7075]

    Now I'm very confused which formulation I have to use, when PLL is off. I want to use AIC3106 in slave mode at 96kHz, with McASP1 in master mode, providing BCLK and WCLK.

    I would be glad if someone could explain this to me (absolute beginner)

    Best regards


  • Hi


    To get the frequencies you are interested, you have 2 options.

    (1)-----PLL :enabled, 

    (2)-----PLL: disabled.

    Depending on your MCLK, BCLk, you might achieve different frequencies from these cases.


    (1) For PLL-disabled case and MCLK =22.5792MHz (and MCLK is chosen by CLKDIV_CLKIN)

    You can obtain with Q=2

    Fsref =  (22579200/2)/256 =44100Hz

    Then by setting dual rate enabled --- CODEC_FINST(codecPage0Regs.DATAPATH_SETUP, DATAPATH_SETUP_ADC_DUALRATE, ENABLE);   ---

    you can get ADC_Fs = 44100/0.5 = 88200Hz; DAC_FS = 44100/0.5 = 88200Hz;

    So you cannot get 96000Hz with MCLK =22.5792MHz when PLL is disabled



    (2) --PLL enabled

    FS = ( 22579200* K ) / ( 2048 * P )

    P = 2, K[J.D] = 8.7075 ; R= 1

     Fsref=48 kHz

    Dual rate enabled

    Hence, Nadc= Ndac= 0.5 ==>  you can get ADC_Fs = 48000/0.5 = 96000Hz; DAC_FS = 48000/0.5 = 96000Hz





    So for you 2nd case seems OK (and maybe the only option)














  • Hello and thank you for your quick reply!

    In fact I'm interested in the highest possible frequency, which is 96kHz for the AIC3106. Since I'm not sure how to change the Master Clock, I will try both of your examples.

    I'm not really into this stuff so I take the liberty to ask some additional (and perhaps stupid) questions:

    - where does the formulation MCLK/(256*Q) you have used comes from? In the manual I read MCLK/(Q*128)
    - your example (2) with PLL seems to be the same used in the example i took from the aic3106 test files (see my previous post). Why can PLL be disabled in register 3?
    - what is dual rate?
    - which role plays the word size in this case?

    Sorry to bother you with theses questions, but it would be very useful to understand a bit more what is going on. For me as a mechanical engineer, the manuals read somtimes like a foreign language...

    Best regards an thanks in advance

  • Hi


    I dont think you can change MCLK since it is coming from crystal.

    So you need to go for the 2nd option..


    Setting codec frequency can be easily understood from Fgiure 26 in TLV320AIC3106 manual.

    AIC3106 needs to generate a reference clock, Fsref, to do the sampling and analog conversion.  This is the core point.

    This clock is Fsref and it can be generated in 2 ways (i)PLL enabled and (ii)PLL disabled.


    --- where does the formulation MCLK/(256*Q) you have used comes from? In the manual I read MCLK/(Q*128)

     This is PLL disabled case.   For this you need to trace the signal  from CLKDIV_IN to CODEC_CLK.

      CLKDIV_IN is MCLK (by choosing that in CLKDIV_CLKIN). MCLK is multiplied by 2/Q as you see in that path first. Then this clock which CLKDIV_OUT is used to generate Fsref which is always CLKDIV_OUT / 256 (or PLLDIV_OUT/256 if you choose PLL output by CODEC_CLKIN). Therefore MCLK*2/Q = 256*Fsref

     from which we get Fsref = (MCLK*(2/Q))/256 =MCLK/ (128*Q)



    --what is dual rate?  The easy answer is that it is the case for Ndac=0.5 and Nadc=0.5 which multiply Fsref by 2 to generate ADC_FS and DAC_FS



    Try to implement PLL enabled case for 96kHz..


    I can try to send some sample codes tomorrow.



















    - where does the formulation MCLK/(256*Q) you have used comes from? In the manual I read MCLK/(Q*128)


  • Thank you for your detailed answer!
    Some samples would be great, my code is still not working at 96kHz...

    Best regards

  • Hi

    I think it is not possible (or that easy to me) to use AIC3106 at Fs=96kHz on EVmL137. The thing is that if you use AIC3106 as slave you need to generate bit clock which must be Fs*2*WordLength which is 3072000 for Fs=96000 and WordLength=16. This will be the BCLK which would be generated on MCASP. But MCLK 22579200 is not divisible by 3072000. Therefore you can run AIC3106 at 96kHz. But it is OK and easy to run at Fs=88200

    The following setup does that.

    Have a go.

    On codec side PLL is disabled, double rate enabled. On McASP side 22579200 is divided by 8 to generate  88200*16*2 =  2822400.

    So Fs would be  88200Hz.


       /* Configure AIC3106 */     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_PAGESELECT, 0 );       // Select page 0     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_RESET, 0x80 );         // Reset AIC3106             /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *      *                                                                          *      *  AIC3106 Setup                                                           *      *                                                                          *      *      AIC3106.MCLK = PLL1705.SCK02                                        *      *      FS = ( AIC3106.MCLK * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                            *      *                                                                          *      *      For a FS=[48 kHz] & MCLK=[22.5792 MHz]                              *      *          : 48kHz = ( 22.5792 MHz * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                    *      *          : P = 2, K[J.D] = 8.7075                                        *      *                                                                          *      * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

        /* Configure AIC3106 registers */     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x22 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2] //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0x20 );  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=8]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x6E );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=7075]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x23 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=7075]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  7, 0x3A );  // 7 Codec Datapath Setup             <- [FS=48 kHz][ADC dual rate enabled][DAC dual rate enabled][LeftDAC=LEFT][RightDAC=RIGHT] //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  8, 0x00 );  // 8  Audio Interface Control A       <- [BCLK=Slave][MCLK=Slave]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  9, 0x00 );  // 9  Audio Interface Control B       <- [I2S mode][16 bit]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  10, 0x00);  // 10 Audio Interface Control C       <- [Data offset=0]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  15, 0x17 ); // 15  Left ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=8.5dB]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  16, 0x17 ); // 16 Right ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=8.5dB]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  17, 0x0F ); // 17 MIC3L/R to  Left ADC            <- [MIC3L=0dBGain][MIC3R=NotConnect]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  18, 0xF0 ); // 18 MIC3L/R to Right ADC            <- [MIC3L=NotConnect][MIC3R=0dBGain]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  19, 0x7C ); // 19  LINE1L to  Left ADC            <- [SingleEnd][NotConnect][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  22, 0x7C ); // 22  LINE1R to Right ADC            <- [SingleEnd][NotConnect][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  25, 0x40 ); // 25 MICBIAS                         <- [MICBIAS=2.0V]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  27, 0 );    // 27  Left AGC B                     <- [OFF]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  30, 0 );    // 30 Right AGC B                     <- [OFF]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  37, 0xE0 ); // 37 DAC Power & Output Dvr          <- [LeftDAC=ON][RightDAC=ON][HPLCOM=SingleEnd]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  38, 0x10 ); // 38 High Power Output Dvr           <- [HPRCOM=SingleEnd][ShortCircuit=OFF]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  43, 0 );    // 43  Left DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  44, 0 );    // 44 Right DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  47, 0x80 ); // 47 DAC_L1 to HPLOUT Volume         <- [Routed]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  51, 0x09 ); // 51           HPLOUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  58, 0 );    // 58           HPLCOM Output         <- []     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  64, 0x80 ); // 64 DAC_R1 to HPROUT Volume         <- [Routed]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  65, 0x09 ); // 65           HPROUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  72, 0 );    // 72           HPRCOM Output         <- []     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  82, 0x80 ); // 82 DAC_L1 to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- [Routed]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  86, 0x09 ); // 86           LEFT_LOP/M Output     <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  92, 0x80 ); // 92 DAC_R1 to RIGHT_LOP/M Volume    <- [Routed]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  93, 0x09 ); // 93           RIGHT_LOP/M Output    <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 101, 0x01 ); // 101 GPIO Control Register B        <- [CODEC_CLKIN = CLKDIV_OUT]   //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 102, 0 );    // 102 Clock Generation Control       <- [PLLCLK_IN and CLKDIV_IN use MCLK]

        /* Initialize MCASP1 */     mcasp = &MCASP_MODULE_1;

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *      *                                                                  *      *  McASP1 is in MASTER mode.                                       *      *      BCLK & WCLK come from McASP1                                *      *      DIN is used by write16/write32                              *      *      DOUT is usec by read16/read32                               *      *                                                                  *      * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */     mcasp->regs->GBLCTL  = 0;       // Reset     mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset RX     mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset TX     mcasp->regs->PWRDEMU = 1;       // Free-running

     /* RX */     mcasp->regs->RMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used     mcasp->regs->RFMT       = 0x00008078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus     mcasp->regs->AFSRCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising, INTERNAL FS, word     mcasp->regs->ACLKRCTL   = 0x000000AF; // Rising INTERNAL CLK,(from tx side)     mcasp->regs->AHCLKRCTL  = 0x00000000; // INT CLK (from tx side)     mcasp->regs->RTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1     mcasp->regs->RINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used     mcasp->regs->RCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256

        /* TX */     mcasp->regs->XMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used     mcasp->regs->XFMT       = 0x00008078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus     mcasp->regs->AFSXCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising edge INTERNAL FS, word     mcasp->regs->ACLKXCTL   = 0x000000A7; // ASYNC, Rising INTERNAL CLK, div-by-8  // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      mcasp->regs->AHCLKXCTL  = 0x00000000; // EXT CLK     mcasp->regs->XTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1     mcasp->regs->XINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used     mcasp->regs->XCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256

        mcasp->regs->SRCTL5     = 0x000D;     // MCASP1.AXR1[5] --> DIN     mcasp->regs->SRCTL0     = 0x000E;     // MCASP1.AXR1[0] <-- DOUT     mcasp->regs->PFUNC      = 0;          // All MCASPs     mcasp->regs->PDIR       = 0x14000020; // All inputs except AXR0[5], ACLKX1, AFSX1

        mcasp->regs->DITCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used     mcasp->regs->DLBCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used     mcasp->regs->AMUTE      = 0x00000000; // Not used

        /* Starting sections of the McASP*/     mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk     while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON );      mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk     while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON );        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk     while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON );     mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk     while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON );

        mcasp->regs->XSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all     mcasp->regs->RSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize     while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON );     mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize     while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON );

        /* Write a 0, so that no underrun occurs after releasing the state machine */     mcasp->regs->XBUF5 = 0;   //mcasp->regs->RBUF0 = 0;

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine     while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON );     mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine     while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON );

        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync     while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XFRST_ON );     mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync     while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RFRST_ON );

        /* Start by sending a dummy write */     while( ! ( mcasp->regs->SRCTL5 & 0x10 ) );  // Check for Tx ready     mcasp->regs->XBUF5 = 0;

  • /

     *  Copyright 2008 by Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
     *  All rights reserved. Property of Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
     *  AIC3106 Loop Micin
    #include "evmomapl137.h"
    #include "evmomapl137_mcasp.h"
    #include "aic3106.h"
        static MCASP_Handle mcasp;
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
     *                                                                          *
     *  AIC3106 Tone                                                            *
     *      Output a 1 kHz tone through the HEADPHONE/LINEOUT jacks             *
     *                                                                          *
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    Int16 aic3106_loop_micin( )
        Int16 msec, sec;
        Int16 sample;
        Int32 sample_data = 0;
        /* Configure AIC3106 */
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_PAGESELECT, 0 );       // Select page 0
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  AIC3106_RESET, 0x80 );         // Reset AIC3106
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
         *                                                                          *
         *  AIC3106 Setup                                                           *
         *                                                                          *
         *      AIC3106.MCLK = PLL1705.SCK02                                        *
         *      FS = ( AIC3106.MCLK * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                            *
         *                                                                          *
         *      For a FS=[48 kHz] & MCLK=[22.5792 MHz]                              *
         *          : 48kHz = ( 22.5792 MHz * K ) / ( 2048 * P )                    *
         *          : P = 2, K[J.D] = 8.7075                                        *
         *                                                                          *
         * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* Configure AIC3106 registers */
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  3, 0x22 );  // 5 PLL A                            <- [PLL=OFF][Q=4][P=2] //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  4, 0x20 );  // 4 PLL B                            <- [J=8]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  5, 0x6E );  // 5 PLL C                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  6, 0x23 );  // 6 PLL D                            <- [D=7075]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  7, 0x3A );  // 7 Codec Datapath Setup             <- [FS=48 kHz][ADC dual rate enabled][DAC dual rate enabled][LeftDAC=LEFT][RightDAC=RIGHT] //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  8, 0x00 );  // 8  Audio Interface Control A       <- [BCLK=Slave][MCLK=Slave]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  9, 0x00 );  // 9  Audio Interface Control B       <- [I2S mode][16 bit]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  10, 0x00);  // 10 Audio Interface Control C       <- [Data offset=0]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  15, 0x17 ); // 15  Left ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=8.5dB]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  16, 0x17 ); // 16 Right ADC PGA Gain              <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=8.5dB]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  17, 0x0F ); // 17 MIC3L/R to  Left ADC            <- [MIC3L=0dBGain][MIC3R=NotConnect]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  18, 0xF0 ); // 18 MIC3L/R to Right ADC            <- [MIC3L=NotConnect][MIC3R=0dBGain]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  19, 0x7C ); // 19  LINE1L to  Left ADC            <- [SingleEnd][NotConnect][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  22, 0x7C ); // 22  LINE1R to Right ADC            <- [SingleEnd][NotConnect][Power=ON][SoftStep=OncePerFS]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  25, 0x40 ); // 25 MICBIAS                         <- [MICBIAS=2.0V]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  27, 0 );    // 27  Left AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  30, 0 );    // 30 Right AGC B                     <- [OFF]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  37, 0xE0 ); // 37 DAC Power & Output Dvr          <- [LeftDAC=ON][RightDAC=ON][HPLCOM=SingleEnd]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  38, 0x10 ); // 38 High Power Output Dvr           <- [HPRCOM=SingleEnd][ShortCircuit=OFF]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  43, 0 );    // 43  Left DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  44, 0 );    // 44 Right DAC Digital Volume        <- [Mute=OFF][Gain=0dB]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  47, 0x80 ); // 47 DAC_L1 to HPLOUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  51, 0x09 ); // 51           HPLOUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  58, 0 );    // 58           HPLCOM Output         <- []
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  64, 0x80 ); // 64 DAC_R1 to HPROUT Volume         <- [Routed]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  65, 0x09 ); // 65           HPROUT Output         <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  72, 0 );    // 72           HPRCOM Output         <- []
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  82, 0x80 ); // 82 DAC_L1 to LEFT_LOP/M Volume     <- [Routed]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  86, 0x09 ); // 86           LEFT_LOP/M Output     <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  92, 0x80 ); // 92 DAC_R1 to RIGHT_LOP/M Volume    <- [Routed]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset(  93, 0x09 ); // 93           RIGHT_LOP/M Output    <- [Mute=OFF][Power=ON]
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 101, 0x01 ); // 101 GPIO Control Register B        <- [CODEC_CLKIN = CLKDIV_OUT]   //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( 102, 0 );    // 102 Clock Generation Control       <- [PLLCLK_IN and CLKDIV_IN use MCLK]
        /* Initialize MCASP1 */
        mcasp = &MCASP_MODULE_1;
        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
         *                                                                  *
         *  McASP1 is in MASTER mode.                                       *
         *      BCLK & WCLK come from McASP1                                *
         *      DIN is used by write16/write32                              *
         *      DOUT is usec by read16/read32                               *
         *                                                                  *
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
        mcasp->regs->GBLCTL  = 0;       // Reset
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset RX
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL = 0;       // Reset TX
        mcasp->regs->PWRDEMU = 1;       // Free-running
     /* RX */
        mcasp->regs->RMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
        mcasp->regs->RFMT       = 0x00008078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus
        mcasp->regs->AFSRCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising, INTERNAL FS, word
        mcasp->regs->ACLKRCTL   = 0x000000AF; // Rising INTERNAL CLK,(from tx side)
        mcasp->regs->AHCLKRCTL  = 0x00000000; // INT CLK (from tx side)
        mcasp->regs->RTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1
        mcasp->regs->RINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->RCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256
        /* TX */
        mcasp->regs->XMASK      = 0xffffffff; // No padding used
        mcasp->regs->XFMT       = 0x00008078; // MSB 16bit, 1-delay, no pad, CFGBus
        mcasp->regs->AFSXCTL    = 0x00000112; // 2TDM, 1bit Rising edge INTERNAL FS, word
        mcasp->regs->ACLKXCTL   = 0x000000A7; // ASYNC, Rising INTERNAL CLK, div-by-8  // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  
        mcasp->regs->AHCLKXCTL  = 0x00000000; // EXT CLK
        mcasp->regs->XTDM       = 0x00000003; // Slots 0,1
        mcasp->regs->XINTCTL    = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->XCLKCHK    = 0x00FF0008; // 255-MAX 0-MIN, div-by-256
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL5     = 0x000D;     // MCASP1.AXR1[5] --> DIN
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL0     = 0x000E;     // MCASP1.AXR1[0] <-- DOUT
        mcasp->regs->PFUNC      = 0;          // All MCASPs
        mcasp->regs->PDIR       = 0x14000020; // All inputs except AXR0[5], ACLKX1, AFSX1
        mcasp->regs->DITCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->DLBCTL     = 0x00000000; // Not used
        mcasp->regs->AMUTE      = 0x00000000; // Not used
        /* Starting sections of the McASP*/
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XHCLKRST_ON );  
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON;                                    // HS Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RHCLKRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XCLKRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON;                                     // Clk
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RCLKRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->XSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all
        mcasp->regs->RSTAT = 0x0000ffff;        // Clear all
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSRCLR_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON;                                      // Serialize
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSRCLR_ON );
        /* Write a 0, so that no underrun occurs after releasing the state machine */
        mcasp->regs->XBUF5 = 0;
      //mcasp->regs->RBUF0 = 0;
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XSMRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON;                                       // State Machine
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RSMRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_XFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->XGBLCTL & GBLCTL_XFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_XFRST_ON );
        mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL |= GBLCTL_RFRST_ON;                                        // Frame Sync
        while ( ( mcasp->regs->RGBLCTL & GBLCTL_RFRST_ON ) != GBLCTL_RFRST_ON );
        /* Start by sending a dummy write */
        while( ! ( mcasp->regs->SRCTL5 & 0x10 ) );  // Check for Tx ready
        mcasp->regs->XBUF5 = 0;
        /* Play Tone */
        for ( sec = 0 ; sec < 5 ; sec++ )
            for ( msec = 0 ; msec < 1000 ; msec++ )
                for ( sample = 0 ; sample < 48 ; sample++ )
                    /* Read then write the left sample */
                    while ( ! ( MCASP1_SRCTL0 & 0x20 ) );
                        sample_data = MCASP1_RBUF0_32BIT;
                    while ( ! ( MCASP1_SRCTL5 & 0x10 ) );
                        MCASP1_XBUF5_32BIT = sample_data; 
                    /* Read then write the left sample */
                    while ( ! ( MCASP1_SRCTL0 & 0x20 ) );
                        sample_data = MCASP1_RBUF0_32BIT;
                    while ( ! ( MCASP1_SRCTL5 & 0x10 ) );
                        MCASP1_XBUF5_32BIT = sample_data; 
        /* Close Codec */ 
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( AIC3106_PAGESELECT, 0 ); // Select Page 0
        EVMOMAPL137_AIC3106_rset( AIC3106_RESET, 0x80 );   // Reset the AIC3106
        /* Close McASP */
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL0 = 0; // Serializers
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL1 = 0;
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL2 = 0;
        mcasp->regs->SRCTL3 = 0;
        mcasp->regs->GBLCTL = 0;  // Global Reset
        return 0;


    That code is given in the attached file



  • Thank you!

    I tried your example (as linein loop) and it works! Unfortunately I'm not able to store the digital signal to see if the samplingrate has really increased.  Probably a simple programming mistake. The code is attached, if you have time to shortly look over it I would be glad.

    Best regards and thank you again for your help. The aic3016 codec has become less mysterious to me now :)



  • Hi


    To test if Fs is set to 88200Hz, you suplly a sinusoid signal at 44kHz (should be less than 88200/2=44100Hz by Nyquist law) and the observe the playback signal on the osiloscope if you see the same tone at that frequency..

