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tpa3116 heat at 60w continous power

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA3116D2


I'm doing some thermal simulation work on a tpa3116 chip amp to determine the need and temperature of heatsink and packaging of amp board. To the question, I need to find out the temperature of the chip or the power dissipated from the chip at about 2x30w continous power level.

I read data sheet and it says 1,2 degree C / W dissipated @ ψJT Junction-to-top. Does this mean that if I drive speakers at total 60w and have 90% effiency I get 60w*0,1eff*1,2c/w = +7.2degree on the chip? Or in other words heat from 60-(60*0,9)=6W. sounds too low.

what am I missing?


  • Hi, Andre

    There are two Thermal Metric in TPA3116D2 datasheet maybe need our notice. 

    • RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance.  14 °C/W
    • ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter. 1.2°C/W


    When TPA3116D2 drive speakers at total 60w and have 90% effiency (suppose your load is 8ohm),  P should be 6W and the Tj=Tt+1.2*6=Tt+7.2 (So Tj will 7.2°C higher than the Tt)

    When TPA3116D2 drive speakers at total 60w and have 90% effiency (suppose your load is 8ohm),  P should be 6W and the Tj=Ta+14*6=Ta+84 (So Tj will 84°C higher than the Ta)

        It  means if the air temperature is 40°C, the Tj should be >124°C, you may need a heat sink to lower the  RθJA  (it also means to lower the Tt).