I have two questions about codec TLV320AIC33.
1. I have discovered some oddity about codec power supply. In datasheet on page 2 and 17 is mentioned power supply pin "AVDD_ADC" which should be connected by capacitor to ground. But this pin is not listed in pinout table and physicaly is not placed on any package. Is this pin internaly connected and named as AVDD? Or Is there any other explanation?
2. I am not sure about analog input connection in single ended configuration. I couldn't find any example how to correctly connect input to codec, especialy what to do with unused pin of differential pair (minus pole of input). Now I use RC in serial configuration (0.47uF, 2K2) connected to ground. Everything seemed to be ok (good SNR, THD...), but i have figured out some DC offset (around 10% of input range, PGA 0dB) which is recorded in digital output signal. PGA also affects this offset. Another mystery, there is not the same offset voltage level on both channels however connection (used passives) on stereo input is identical.
Has someone experience with this? I guess that there is some problem with voltage reference between input amplifier and ADC.