Regarding to POR(Power On Reset) and RST, I have some question.
My customer will use for RST pin as initial reset and that timing is as following.
(TAS2521 reference guide(SLAU456) page45 (Fig3-1))
According to TAS2521 reference guide(SLAU456) page47, POR will detect at minimum DVDD and IOVDD, and it is enabled at initial(power on).
From above reason, my understand is as following.
(1) Regardless status of RST pin, POR will be occurred inevitably at power on.
(2) It cannot be disabled at power on.(Default register: POR enabled)
(3) If RST is used with above timing chart, it means that TAS2521 is reset twice at power on..
My understand is correct?
If TAS2521 is reset twice on above timing chart, is there any problem?