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Good evening all,
I would like to understand if I only use two input channels of the PCM1863, 1 channel of each of the internal ADCs can I stream data from both ADC's at the same time via the I2S if not how can I do this connections are as follows:
Hi, Nigel,
You can stream the 2-channel data via I²S without any concerns. The PCM1863 has the option to mix the inputs as you need for each ADC. For this particular case, you need to select {VIN1P, VIN1M}[DIFF] as the source for ADC1L and {VIN3P, VIN3M}[DIFF] as the source for ADC1R using registers 6 and 7. The data from the ADCs will be streamed through the I²S DOUT output simultaneously.
Best Regards,
-Diego Meléndez López
Audio Applications Engineer
Hey Diego,
Thanks for this one other question, we need the ability to apply single ended inputs so for instance if I ground the VINR2/VIN2M and VINR1/VIN2P I assume I can apply a single ended signal into VINL2/VINM and VINL1/VINP is my assumption correct ?
Hi, Nigel,
The PCM1863 can be configured to support single-ended signals. Just as I mentioned before, you can select a single-ended signal for each ADC with Registers 6 and 7 (VINL1[SE] to ADC1L and VINR1[SE] to ADC1R). The schematic you sent should be updated as ADC1R only supports the VINRx inputs.
It is not recommended to ground any input signal of the device, if unused, just leave them floating.
There is a different configuration called pseudo-differential, where you can apply a single-ended signal to a device configured with differential input. This is achieved by connecting the audio signal to the positive input and AC-couple the negative input to GND with a cap with the same value as the one used in the positive input.
Best Regards,
-Diego Meléndez López
Audio Applications Engineer
Hi Diego,
Thanks, do you have any links or implementations I can take a look at ? I need diff in, and single ended into the same ADC channel so sounds very interesting.
Hi Diego,Nigel Taylor said:Hi Diego,
Thanks, do you have any links or implementations I can take a look at ? I need diff in, and single ended into the same ADC channel so sounds very interesting.
Just had another thought with the circuit below would I be able to keep the diff input on VINL2/VIN1M, VINL1/VIN1P and VINR3/VIN3P, VINR4/VIN3M but if wanted SE use the VINL2/VIN1M for 1 channel and then use VINR3/VIN3P for 2nd channel SE ?
Hi, Nigel,
Apart from the datasheet and PurePath Console GUI that is used to evaluate the EVM, we don't have more information about the input mixing capabilities of the device.
The PCM1863 can be configured to accept single-ended or differential inputs according to the setting on register 6 or 7. There should be no problem in using the described configuration as long as you change the corresponding register accordingly to the type of input used:
Best Regards,
-Diego Meléndez López
Audio Applications Engineer