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TPA2028D1: Relation between Resister Setting & EN Signal

Part Number: TPA2028D1

Dear, Sir.

My customer is considering to apply TPA2028D1 for their system.

They would like to confirm ;

1. Will the internal resister setting via I2C be maintain when EL=L(Disable)?

2. Will the resister setting return to defaut value be happened at power-on stage?

Sorry to ask this kind of matter, but these are not described on the datasheet.

So they would like to double-confirm these. Please give your advice.

Best Regards,

H. Sakai

  • Hi Sakai-san,

    I can't understand you very well. Could you explain me in detail each question?

    Best Regards
    José Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer
  • Dear, Jose-san. 

    Thank you for your reply. 

    The internal resister on TPA2028D1 is set(written) by external MCU or DSP  via I2C. 

    Question is ; 

    1. The written resister value never return to default value by EN signal become HIGH toLOW?

    2. When the written resister value return to default value?

    Best Regards, 

    H. Sakai

  • Sakai-san,

    1) In fact, If you toggle the EN signal the written register map values return to the default values.
    2) The default register map values return by a power cycle or if you toggle the EN signal.

    Best Regards
    José Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer
  • Dear, Jose-san.

    Thank you for your current support.

    I have checked another thread like as below;

    I worry about what is the best procedure to eliminate the pop noise.
    Assuming based on above thread, the procedure would be ;
    1. Power supply start up(OFF => ON).
    2. Wait some msec.
    3. Set the audio signal.
    4. EN pin is enabled.

    1. I wonder my understanding is correct?
    2. If the customer don't execute #1(Powewr supply OFF =>ON), What is the best procesure to eliminate the pop noise?

    Please give your advice and help.

    Best Regards,
    H. Sakai