I have a query about the USB-MODEVM protocol. We are looking at developing an application around the TLV320AIC3254 as a USB audio device. We have some TLV320AIC3254EVM-Ks. Looking at the user manual for these boards, Appendix G appears to define the USB-MODEVM protoocol. Table G.1 and G.2 in slau264.pdf describes the USB-MODEVM protocol. It appears to expect a 64 byte data packet where the first byte defines the interface, the second defines the address of the device, the 3rd the length of data to read or write, the 4th the register address and the remainder the data to be written.
However, when we look at the actual contents of the packets, they appear to be different.Looking at the packets in usbtrace, there actually appear to be 2 packets sent, the first containing the device address and the second containing the register address and the data to be written.
1. Is the description in rev G of slau264.pdf correct?
2. If not, is there a document where this protocol is defined?
3. Or should we use the source posted in the forum earlier this year