Design with 5.65V(Max) to 4.75V(Min) input to Codex and AMP circuit; divisor circuit from 5V to shutdown pin using R1@47K, R2@22K, R2 to ground and shutdown. .01pf CAP added between R1 and R2
Problem is that originally when removing 5V input, the AMP would not reset on restore of 5V-we had "loss of Audio". This happened when the power was remove and restored quickly and up to 3-5 seconds afterwards. The AMP was in a shutdown mode and would not come out even though the Codex was happy. We put the values of 47K and 22K into a divisor circuit connected to shutdown and after testing 17 units we had only 1 failure. The failure resulted in removing the power for more than 10 seconds and then the AMP was locked up after restoring the power. We have not been able to reproduce the 10 second lockup again but know Murphy is waiting. We replaced the 22K with a 33K and then the 10 second "loss of Audio" re-appeared multiple times and with ease. Seems like the 22K is in the correct direction but we are not sure of the final value. 20K or other? Do you have a suggestion?
In summary, it seems the divisor with 47K and 22K fixes the "loss of Audio" for the quick loss of power and restore of power, but adds the loss of Audio for when the power remains off greater than 10 seconds before restoring it.
We don't have any app notes on this that we can find from TI. Can someone validate our logic and values along with others reporting this issue. We found the current solution on a blog from 2010 and decided to try it lacking any other input. Are we chasing the wrong solution for this problem?