Grettings everyone!
Recently I have designed a microphone preamp and bit-by-bit got deeper under the hood of op amp problematics I was completely unaware of before. As a result, I have read many interesting papers regarding noise topics and op amps, including some datasheets from TI opamps that helped a lot. I am familiar with some statistics and probability topics, so figuring that part wasn't hard for me. I even compiled a Google Spreadsheet with several different methods for noise calcs for quick comparisons and here we get to my first question:
1) What method is most accurate? First two methods are from TI's datasheets for OPA2134 (OPA2132) and OPA211 (OPA1611), while third is derived from a paper I found on the web by Kenneth A. Kuhn (reference url links are provided in the spreadsheet). There is a high consistency in the calculations results from TI equations and almost -5 to -10 dB (!) worse results for S/N ratio using Kuhn's approach. Can you tell me why? Both methods seems to calculate noise from Rs, Rg and Rf the same way, but substantial differences come from current and noise modelling (especially for current noise in Kuhn case).
2) Simulating or calculating manually? To make a problem more confusing, when I run simmulations of OPA1611 for both inverting and non-inverting topologies in TINA, I get considerably higher total output noise for inverting and non-inverting topologies (almost 3x) then calculated using TI equations. Can you tell me why? What am I missing here, since in TINA there must be something that adds additional noise to the output I am not calculating in the spreadhseet. I did read Arthur Kay's papers over at about often wrong spice models of op amps when it comes to noise simulations, but since these ops are new devices, I would rather assume they are modeled right (?)
3) From this analisys, inverting topology is slightly better then non-inverting. Correct?
Calculation / Simulation results:
TINA OPA1611 inverting op amp simulation
R source = 600 ohms
R1 = 620 ohms
R2 = 62 k ohms
simulated output noise = 210 nV/root Hz (or 29.7 μV at 20kHz bandwidth)
calculated output noise using TI equations (spreadsheet) = 16,95 μV
TINA OPA1611 non-inverting op amp simulation
R source = 600 ohms
R1 = 620 ohms
R2 = 62 k ohms
simulated output noise = 390 nV/root Hz (or 55 μV at 20kHz bandwidth)
calculated output noise using TI equations (spreadsheet) = 21,71 μV
Well, this is the end of my post - thanks for reading :)
I hope someone at TI can help me resolve this issues and also be useful for someone with the same dilemmas. Thanks!