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TLV320DAC3203: Power up/down sequence and I2C start timing

Part Number: TLV320DAC3203

My customer has a question regarding TLV320DAC3203.
Is there specific power up and power down sequence for power supply pins (DVDD/IOVDD/AVDD) on TLV320DAC3203? If so, please give me that.

In addition, when does the TLV320DAC3203 starts I2C after the RESET is released?

Best Regards,
  • Hi, Tatsumi-san,

    The TLV320DAC3203 is tolerant to power supply sequencing. However, we recommend to power up the digital power supplies first (IOVDD, DVDD) and then the AVDD and LDOin (if LDOin is connected to DVDD, it must be powered up at same time than DVDD).

    This sequence will ensure a correct registers initialization. Once the digital power supplies are stable, the analog power supplies can be powered up.

    Regarding your question about the I2C lines, they are initialized within 1ms after pulling the RESET signal high.

    I hope this is clear. Please let me know if you have additional questions or comments.

    Best regards,
    Luis Fernando Rodríguez S.