Hello everyone,
I2C Bus Lock using LM49251 with an STM32L4. 15K external pull-ups on both SDA and SCL. Trying to use the CubeMX HAL code where possible. Vdd: 3v3, HPVdd: 1v8, I2CVdd: 1v8. STM32 Vcc: 1v8.
As this does appear to be a general case of I2C bus locking, I was hesitant to post this issue in this forum. But after losing much hair and sanity, I come here in the hope that there's something magical and special about the LM49251 that it won't recover from this situation by the 'usual' methods, and that there is a software method by which the communications to the LM49251 can be restored when needed.
It appears that our device is suffering the occasional brownout reset when batteries become problematic, sometimes several times in row if power is really unstable. The successive resets will occasionally result in the I2C bus becoming 'locked' as a result of the STM32 abandoning its 'initialization' conversation with the LM49251, and the LM therefore expecting SCL oscillations that will never come. SDA is sometimes held high, and sometimes low.
The hardware cannot be modified to include an MCU-controlled reset circuit for the LM49251, as this is for an existing device that is already designed, manufactured, and selling into the market.
Progress so far:
After having researched STM32 and I2C bus lock and reset issues, we have tried implementing various incarnations of readily-available code that implements an I2C unlock procedure that should free the slave from it's waiting state and allow communications to resume. The main source for this was the link below, even though it's mainly directed at STM32F4s...
Other methods used in place of, as well as in conjunction with the above, was a forced reset, and the changing of the GPIO versus I2C clock init ordering as mentioned here...
And finally, have tried by both software and hardware, raw SCL toggling (in bursts of 17 cycles or more) to no avail.
Help! :)
Thanking you all in advance.