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TLV320ADC3101: Voice quality without MCLK is worse than the one using MCLK

Part Number: TLV320ADC3101


We have project using several TLV320ADC3101 codecs as voice array. Due to hardware design,  it doesn't use MCLK, but use BCLK instead.

When use MLCK (with hardware rework), the voice quality is quite good; but if doesn't use BCLK the voice quality becomes worse noticeably.

My question is, can we achieve the same quality as MCLK if we only use BCLK(not use MLCK), and how?



  • When use MLCK (with hardware rework), the voice quality is quite good; but if doesn't use BCLK the voice quality becomes worse noticeably.

    should be :
    When use MCLK (with hardware rework), the voice quality is quite good; but if doesn't use MCLK the voice quality becomes worse noticeably.

    sorry for the typo.

  • Hi Jun Cai,

    How does the recording with using BCLK sound? Does the quality sound distorted? Are you able to share a recording of both cases so we can compare?

    What value of MCLK and BCLK are being used? Are they both the same frequency? I think it would be very helpful if you can share a schematic and full I2C register dump so I may see how the device is getting configured. If possible, please provide one I2C dump when using MCLK and one I2C dump when using BCLK. 


    Aaron Estrada

  • Hi Aaron Estrada

    Thanks for the reply.

    MCLK is 24.576MHz, while BCLK is 1.536MHz

    I have attached the schematic, the captured wave file with MCLK or BCLK by the following command

    arecord -D hw:0,0 -f S16_LE -r 48000 -c 2 -twav /tmp/a.wav

    Also the i2c register dump value is attached in zip file.



  • Hi Jun Cai,

    I looked through both register dumps and I am a bit confused. When using MCLK, I see that the PLL is configured and it is selected as the clock input. However, the PLL is disabled. Do you know why this is? Why is the PLL disabled even though you are configuring it?

    There is a similar situation for the BCLK I2C register dump. I see that the PLL coefficients are configured but the PLL is disabled. In the BCLK case, I also see that in Page 0, Register 4, PLL clock isn't selected as the CLK_IN source. Additionally, for the BCLK register dump, AOSR is set to 1 and may cause some issues with the clocking. Some more clarification on why the register dumps look incomplete would be helpful. 


    Aaron Estrada

  • Hi Aaron Estrada,

    For MCLK case, the register value of Register 4: Clock-Gen Multiplexing is 0x3, which means CODEC_CLKIN = PLL_CLK and PLL_CLKIN = MCLK, it's working well (BCLK is 1.536MHz).  “PLL is configured but PLL is disabled” -- I think the reason would be I reused the source from but left some default configuration untouched. What I think is the setting of PLL may NOT take effect if we don't use PLL, correct?

    For BCLK case, the register value of above register is 0x1, which means CODEC_CLKIN = BCLK.

    When we use BCLK of 1.536MHz, I remember I found an interesting thing is, configured CLKOUT 's source to BCLK and set CLKOUT M_VAL to 1, then the value measured on PIN3(DOUT) is 48KHz. while measured PIN1(BCLK) value is 1.536MHz. This means internal BCLK is not same as external BCLK. There must something wrong but I did not figure out why. However, to hack for 48KHz to working, need set NADC, MADC, AOSR all to 1. That might be reason the noise comes from. Please provide some suggestion on this.



  • Hi Jun,

    What are the clock settings when NADC, MADC, and AOSR are not equal to 1? If using a 48kHz Fs, the PLL should be used. Can you try BCLK as an input with the following PLL settings:

    P = 1

    R = 2

    J = 32

    AOSR = 128

    MADC = NADC = 4


    Aaron Estrada

  • Hi Aaron Estrada,

    Thanks for the reply. I tried with your setting but the recorded sound is with much noise.

    The output should not be as expected as 48KHz.  This is what I'm confused (See my last sentence in last reply).  Any further clue?

    BTW, "If using a 48kHz Fs, the PLL should be used." is a mandatory requirement ?
    What's the consequence if not use PLL for 48Khz?



  • Hi Jun,

    The PLL is not needed for 48kHz Fs. In your case, it is due to the PLL_CLKIN value being 1.536Mhz. Sorry for the confusion. 

    I will attempt to use BCLK on an EVM to see if I run into any trouble. In the mean time, I am curious if there may be any software related issues. In the register dump you previously provided, was this register dump taken before, after, or during running the arecord command?


    Aaron Estrada

  • Hi Aaron Estrada,

    Thanks for following up. The register dump is generated during running arecord command.



  • Hi Jun,

    As Aaron mentioned in your current script the PLL is not enabled and this is required to use the BCLK you want. This is because the PRB_R1 block you are using uses an instruction count (IADC) of 188 and the internal master clock needs to be at least IADC*fs, which for 48kHZ sample rate is 9.024MHz. Your MCLK configuration has no issues because the MCLK you are providing is sufficiently fast for you to just use the dividers to drive the processing block you are using and achieve the BCLK rate you want. However, to use a 1.536MHz BCLK successfully you absolutely need to use the PLL.

    Please try the settings Aaron has provided but make sure the PLL is turned on:

    P = 1

    R = 2

    J = 32

    AOSR = 128

    MADC = NADC = 4

    You also need to change the Clock-Gen multiplexing so that the PLL_CLKIN is BCLK and CODEC_CLKIN is PLL_CLK. This would be done by writing 0x07 to register 4.

    When you set register 5 for the PLL values be sure the MSB is set high to power up the PLL. So register 5 should be 0x92.

    I believe this will resolve the noise issues you are seeing!

