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Please advise me on the selection of a high speed DAC to create an FM linear chirp signal.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC3484, DAC34H84, DAC34SH84, DAC12DL3200, DAC38J82, DAC39J82, DAC37J82, DAC38RF82

I am considering using a combination of a high speed DAC and FPGA to create an FM linear chirp signal.

I am thinking of sweeping the frequency section in 5μsec.

I want the resolution in the time direction to be less than 1ns during this sweep.

Can you please tell me a high speed DAC that can achieve less than 1ns?

  • Hideaki,

    The following DAC's may work for you:

    DAC                             Data Interface          Sample Rate

    DAC3484                     LVDS                        1.25Gsps 

    DAC34H84                   LVDS                        1.25Gsps 

    DAC34SH84                 LVDS                       1.5Gsps 

    DAC12DL3200             LVDS                        6.4Gsps

    DAC38J82                    JESD204B               2.5Gsps

    DAC39J82                    JESD204B               2.8Gsps

    DAC37J82                    JESD204B               1.6Gsps

    DAC38RF82                 JESD204B               9Gsps (8-bits), 3.3Gsps (12-bit) 2.5Gsps (16-bit)

