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Hi !
I'm using ADS127L11 TINA-TI Reference Design(SBAM467.TSC).
What is the VOUT ?
I ran a transient analysis.
I thought the envelopes for VOUT, Vin-csh and Vdiff would be the same.
That was true when the reference voltage was 2.5V(REF6225).
I changed REF6225 to REF6230 or REF6241.
Then the envelopes weren't the same.
Is there something wrong with my idea?
Best regards,
Hello Yamamoto-san,
Vout is defined as:
Vinput=(AINP-AINN) is the differential input voltage
Vref=(REFP-REFN) is the differential reference voltage
VREFi is a scaling factor, and is set to the ideal reference voltage (non-loaded version of Vref)
Based on your images, I do not think you adjusted the value of VREFi, which needs to change to approximately 3V when using REF6230 and 4.096V when using REF6241.
The correct voltage for VREFi can be found by running a 'DC Analysis -> Calculate nodal voltages', and using the simulated output voltage of the REF62xx (VREF) for VREFi.
Keith Nicholas
Precision ADC Applications
Hello Keith-san !
As you say, I didn't adjust VREFi.
Thank you very much.
Best regard,