I'm building a device to generate a sine wave. I have been working from the data sheet, and thus far haven't had any problems using the chip as a unipolar device. However, I can't seem to ge the bipolar mode to work. I have checked over and over and over, and I have connected the device as per page 7 of the data sheet:
Is there something I'm not doing correctly? Currently I have Vref at 5V, VDD at 5V, and am feeding 0x80 (1000000 in binary) into the data ports, and am not using RA or RB for gain control - I should be getting zero, or something very close to that. Instead, It appears the device is still unipolar.
I am operating using a single power supply, do I need a dual power supply to power the op amplifiers? I am measuring the voltage between 'Output' and OUT1.