Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62162
We use the ADS1292 in our design and supply it with 3.3V generated from the TPS62162 DC/DC converter (for low power reasons we can only use a DC/DC).
Because our overall current consumption at 3.3V is 2 mA max, the TPS is using low fequency PFM instead of high frequency PWM. This results in a supply ripple of something like 6 mV with 8 kHz (sawtooth ripple due to inductor current rise and fall), see attached screenshot.
My first instinct was to simply filter the analog supply of the ADS with an RC lowpass (e.g. 47 Ohm + 22uF). This results in a decently low noise analog supply.
But in this articel by TI employee Bryan Lizon a practical example is shown (in figure 5) how noise at the digital supply can also couple straight into the output data.
This results in my question: Do I need to filter the ripple on the digital supply voltage of the ADS1292 as well? Will the sawtooth ripple with 6 mVpp on DVDD be visible in the output? I think I can't just use the same RC filter for analog and digital supply, because the "large" 47 Ohm resistor would result in additional digital noise beeing coupled to the analog supply. The better solution might be to use an additional LDO like the TPS7A2030 to generate 3V from the 3.3V supply with surpressed ripple and supply both AVDD as well as DVDD with this 3V?
But if your estimation would be that 6 mV of ripple at the digital supply are no problem for the ADS1292 I would like to avoid the additional LDO.