ADS1115 Data read problem.
We are using an ads1115 where we read out 4 single ended channels, and use single reads on the ads1115 (not continius) and it works fine for a long time, but after a while we are getting to a condition where we are not able to get the correct config setting on the device in order for reading the data. We're writing 0x f383 (hex) to the config register to read out channel 4, but if we read out the config register again it's set to 0x 2080 (hex). we've tried to reset.the device when this happens but it does not always help. Then only solution is to power cycle the device. Do you have a suggestion what can cause this problem? And any suggestions on what we can try to get it up and running again? The same issue is happening on different ads1115 devices on different PCB's. The units are having similar PCB's and running the same software. It most units get this issue, but some are getting the issue after a short time, some are getting them after a long time. Does the chip have the pec implemented (packet error control) on the smbus? We have suspected emc, but we're not able to measure any emc, and the readings are very consistent.
Looking forward hearing from you.