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TI204C-IP compatibility with Vivado 2023.1

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC34J45


We are evaluating TI204C-IP, matching with ADC34J45 and Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+. For Vivado 2021.1 & Vivado 2022.2 it is OK, but when we upgrade the design to Vivado 2023.1 the software cannot decrypt correctly the IP. Is there a workaround or a new IP version? We are using TI204C-IP v1.11. 

The message is "[#UNDEF] Cannot decrypt IEEE-1735 envelope: key value doesn't match key name xilinxt_2017_05 (perhaps the public key was incorrect at encryption time)"

Best Regards,


  • Hi Nacho,

    Xilinx seems to have updated its decrypted flow starting 2023.x. The TI204c IP's encrypted source is compatible with all versions of Vivado between 2019.x and 2022.x. We are yet to plan a release that supports 2023.x.

