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ADS8528: Questions

Part Number: ADS8528

We’ve been using ADS8528 in some of our projects, and I have a couple of questions about it.

  1. Where are the conversion results for each channel pair stored?
  2. Is there a way to access the conversion results for each channel pair individually?
  3. Can each channel pair execute conversion simultaneously with all others?
  4. If the conversions on all channel pairs are done simultaneously, how can results be accessed?
  5. Do I need to have the reference buffers enabled, if I use external reference?

Thank you,


Eric Bogomolny,

Senior Digital Engineer.

Wabtec Corporation.

  • Hi Eric,

    Welcome to our e2e forum!  To answer your questions:

    1. The conversion results are stored in shift registers for each channel.
    2. No - you have to go sequentially through the conversion results.  Figure 36 on page 29 shows an example where CONVST_A and C were activated.  The output conversion results show new data for CHAx and CHCx while CHBx and CHDx have old conversion results.
    3. Yes - each pair has its own CONVST pin.  If the four CONVST_X pins are tied together, all eight channels will sample at the same time.
    4. Again - refer to Figure 36, data is read out sequentially from A0 through D1.  If you are running in serial mode, you can have four SDO streams - one for each channel pair.  CHx0 will be presented first, followed by CHx1.  There is also an option to have all serial data sent out through SDOA - that option would send data out starting with CHA0 and finishing up with CHD1.
    5. No - the reference buffer is needed for the internal reference only.