I integrated on my board 6 DAC8580 to generate 40kHz sinusoid signals.
The DACs have to power supply rails -5V on AVSS and +5V on AVDD as required but unfortunately, the positive supply rail is stuck at -0.7V. I removed the 6 DACs and it is working properly at 5.0V.
If I remove the voltage converter and inject the voltage from a laboratory power supply, the 5V seems fine with a 110mA current consumption. If I test my voltage converter with an active load, it works properly under 340mA and after, only reduce the voltage to keep a constant limit current. It is hard to understand why it does not work with all together...
I have 4.7uF decoupling capacitor on every power supply pin, it seemed a little bit high so I removed it and only kept 100nF per pin + other 4.7uF and 10uF on the output pin of the converter but it did not change anything.
Would have someone already encountered such problem with this DAC.
Best regards,