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TX7332: How do you change the switching frequency of the chip to change the PRF

Part Number: TX7332


I am currently using the on-chip beamforming mode of TX7332 to conduct experiments. At present, by controlling the pulses of TR_EN and TR_BF_SYNC pins, a switch closing signal can be captured once.
But I want to control the switch to open and close at a fixed frequency. I am using dynamic power mode. Do I need to set the pulse of TR_EN pin and the pulse of TR_BF_SYNC pin to a periodic signal with the same switching frequency?

Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards


  • Hi Kailyn,

    In on-chip beamforming, the TR_BF_SYNC signal is a master signal after which the T/R switch turns off, based on the “off delay” programmed. The device then transmits the pattern after which, the T/R switch turns on, based on the “on delay” programmed in the device. The TR_EN signal in on-chip mode is not related to the toggling of the T/R switch. It is used to power up the LDOs and the clock buffer inside the device. In summary, the TR_EN and TR_BF_SYNC signals are toggled based on the required PRT and the device turns on/off the T/R switch and transmits output pattern dynamically.

    Thanks and Regards
