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Hi I am trying to do SPI comm. between ADC7066 and Arduino Uno. I am giving 2V from the external Power supply to the CH1 (AIN1) but getting some random data on SDO. I am using manual mode and SPI mode 0.
ADC7066 | Uno |
CS | Digital Pin 10 |
SDI | MOSI (D11 ) |
SDO | MISO (D12) |
CLK | CLK (D13) |
5V | 5V |
AVDD | 3.3V |
AIN1 | 2V |
Arduino CODE:
#include <SPI.h>
const int CS = 10;
uint32_t ADC_GET(int CS);
#define DELAYTIME 2 //delay, in seconds
void setup(){
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //SPI SCK
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //SPI MOSI
pinMode(12, INPUT); //SPI MISO
pinMode (CS, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
void loop() {
uint8_t RD_REG = 0b00010000;
uint8_t Add = 0x11;
uint8_t Data = 0x00;
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
uint32_t data = (RD_REG)+(Add)+ (Data); //combine bytes, scale 32bit to 24bit
return data;
Hello Sachin,
Thank you for your post.
The register write frame in the scope image above looks correct: 01h 11h 00h (write 00h to address 11h). If you want to change the channel to AIN1, you'll need to send 01h 11h 01h.
Hi Ryan, thank you for the reply. Just a quick question what I have to do to read data from CH1? As I am giving 2V to CH1 but I get nothing on SDO line.
byte RD_REG = 0x10;
byte Add = 0x11;
byte Dummy = 0x00;
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
byte value = SPI.transfer(Dummy);
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
serial.println(value, BIN);
This is the Scope image, I am giving 2V to the CH1, but i am not reading anything back. I used the read command as in the code specified below:
byte RD_REG = 0x10; byte Add = 0x11; byte Dummy = 0x00; digitalWrite(CS, LOW); SPI.transfer(RD_REG); SPI.transfer(Add); SPI.transfer(Dummy); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); digitalWrite(CS, LOW); byte value = SPI.transfer(Dummy); SPI.transfer(Dummy); SPI.transfer(Dummy); digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); serial.println(value, BIN);
And for some reason my SDI goes high after every 8bit clock cycle? is this normal?
Hi Sachin,
Please refer to section 7.4.2 Manual Mode. Figure 7-13 summarizes the operation required to switch the MUX to another channel and receive data. If you send the command in frame N to switch the MUX channel, data from that channel will be available in frame N + 2.