Hi everyone!
I'm trying to connect an ADC08DJ3200EVM to a KCU105 from Xilinx using the FMC connector. I have a FCM+ to FMC transposer allowing me to connect the two of them, in my configuration, I only use 8 lanes so the other lane allowed by using a FMC+ are not needed. I'm using the ADC12DJxx00 GUI to configure the EVM, here is a few configuration data: On-board clock source, Fs = 3200Msps, JMODE5, with a k value of 32 (same as in the FPGA configuration), JESD204B block control in Test mode ramp test mode, the FPGA clock with a divider of 32 and sysref divider of 160. In myt FPGA, the configuration is in RX mode with a resolution of 8, 8 lanes, 2 quads, GTH MGT, 1 refclk buffer, a data width of 64, f val of 1 and k val of 32, with a MGT ref clock of 100MHz. I think everything is in order, but I'm open to advise.
The problem is that I can't get any data. QPLL0 lock's and a clock is recovered from the JESD204 ip as the mgt_rx_usrclk2 is used for some ilas and they work fine. The rest of the FPGA works fine. I'm receiving some sysref and the realign count goes to 1 and doesn't change after that so the sysref is working as intented too. There is no other error other than the fact that rx_sync_n never goes high and no data comes.
Is there someone that can point me in the right direction with this? I can't find information about how to solve this anywhere.
Thank you!