Hello TI experts,
Its a long time to get expertise after finished Impedance measurement and jumper setting of ADS1299 EVM board. Now we have have developed a PCB using ADS1299 and getting a strong DC noise with initial transients during impedance mode and an strong noises at low frequencies in ECG mode as well as Impedance testing mode. Figure 1 and Figure 2 two shown an spectrum plot on ECG signal and impedance mode for low frequency signal. While time domain ECG signal plotted in figure 3 and impedance mode signal plotted in Figure 4 respectively.
Any comments from the experts behind the reason this noise in the new designed circuit will be quite helpful and appreciable. While the new design replicated from the same schematics as used in ADS1299 FE PDK evaluation board only LPF response antialiasing filter components values changed Resistor to 3.3K instead 4.99k and Capacitor to 47 nF instead 4.7 nF as per ADS1299 FE PDK EVM Board, to reduce the lower cut-pff frequency to 1000 Hz.
Kindly leave your valuable comments to proceed for the discussion on forum and feel free to get back to me if needed any additional information.