Hello, I have some questions regarding the DS-Modulator AMC1035-Q1 tolerance/error calculation (characteristics in datasheet section "Electrical Characteristics") .
- Error/tolerance of the analog inputs: Can the characteristics for "Input Bias Current IIB" and "Input Offset Current IIO" considered as normal distributed and if yes with which standard deviation (4/6sigma)?
- Error/tolerance of the AD-Conversion: Can the characteristics for "Offset Error EO", "Gain Error EG" and "Integral Nonlinearity INL" also considered as normal distributed (or uniform distribution) and if yes with which standard deviation (4/6sigma)?
- Error/tolerance of the reference voltage for AD-conversion: The AD-conversion is executed by means of the internal 2,5V reference voltage, which has some tolerances given in the datasheet section "Reference Output". Is this defined tolerance also valid for the AD-conversion and must be considered for tolerance calculation or is it only valid for the reference output voltage? Do I have to consider some tolerance for the 2,5V reference voltage for AD-conversion or is this tolerance already considered in the "DC Accuracy" error parameters?
Thank you in advance.