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ADC12DJ3200EVM: Comma Character for JESD204B

Part Number: ADC12DJ3200EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DJ3200, , LMK04828, LMX2582, LM95233


Dear Sir,

In the ADC datasheet, it is mentioned that the default comma character for JESD204B is K28.7. However, when I assign K28.7, I am unable to get data or lane up. When I assign K28.5, I get the data and lane up signal, but sometimes the ADC output has glitches. Please guide me with your ideas.

Thanks & Regards

Ramavath Raj Kumar

  • Hi Ramavath,

    Can you show an image of the glitch you're talking about? K28.5 is the code group synchronization comma character while K28.7 is the default JESD204B end of frame comma character for frame alignment. Another you'll see often is K28.3 which is used as an end of multiframe alignment comma character.


  • Hi Chase,

    Please find the screenshot below.

    The circled signal is the output of the JESD IP core. It is expected to be a clean sine wave, but some portions of it are noisy, as you can see in the screenshot.

    I wanted to configure it with the following specifications:

    • ADC: ADC12DJ3200 EVM
    • Sampling Frequency: 3000 MSPS
    • JMODE: 11
    • NCO: 1 GHz

    Could you please help me resolve this issue? If possible, please send the .cfg GUI configuration file.

    Thank you.

  • The circled value is K28.5, is this correct ?

    Respective GUI 

  • Hi Raj,

    I cannot assist with the xilinx JESD IP core. I am unfamiliar with this. Does the corrupt data occur on the same channel IQ output each time or does it swap randomly? If it doesn't swap at all, I would check that the serdes lane polarity is correct. What is the K value you are using? If changed from the default of K=32, can you try setting back to max (set ADC register 0x202 to 0x1F for K=32)? Next would be placing the ADC into a ramp test mode for example and confirm the raw lane data is ramping as expected.

    Thanks, Chase

  • Hi Chase,

    Thank you for your replay.

    I am using TI-204C IP core from TI in JMODE11 with ADC12DJ3200EVM and KCU105. 

    I have tried changing the K value to 32 and ran the Ramp test mode. Still the noise is there at the lanes output. I am sharing you the screenshot and adc config file for your reference.

    Thanks & Regards

    Ramavath Raj Kumar

    0x00 0x30
    0x02 0x00
    0x10 0x00
    0x23 0x00
    0x29 0x00
    0x2A 0x00
    0x30 0xC4
    0x31 0xA4
    0x32 0xC4
    0x33 0xA4
    0x38 0x00
    0x3B 0x00
    0x48 0x00
    0x60 0x01
    0x61 0x01
    0x62 0x01
    0x64 0x00
    0x6B 0x00
    0x6C 0x01
    0x70 0x00
    0x71 0x00
    0x79 0x80
    0x7A 0x00
    0x7B 0x00
    0x7C 0x00
    0x80 0x00
    0x81 0x00
    0x82 0x00
    0x83 0x00
    0x84 0x00
    0x85 0x00
    0x86 0x00
    0x87 0x00
    0x88 0x00
    0x89 0x00
    0x8A 0xFF
    0x8B 0x07
    0x8C 0xFF
    0x8D 0x07
    0x8E 0xFF
    0x8F 0x07
    0x90 0xFF
    0x91 0x07
    0x92 0xFF
    0x93 0x07
    0x94 0xFF
    0x95 0x07
    0x102 0x80
    0x103 0x80
    0x112 0x80
    0x113 0x80
    0x122 0x80
    0x123 0x80
    0x132 0x80
    0x133 0x80
    0x142 0x80
    0x143 0x80
    0x152 0x80
    0x153 0x80
    0x160 0x00
    0x200 0x01
    0x201 0x02
    0x202 0x1F
    0x203 0x01
    0x204 0x06
    0x205 0x04
    0x206 0x00
    0x207 0x00
    0x208 0x00
    0x209 0x00
    0x20C 0x00
    0x20D 0x00
    0x210 0x00
    0x211 0xF2
    0x212 0xAB
    0x213 0x00
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    0x216 0x02
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    0x219 0x02
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    0x222 0x00
    0x223 0xC0
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    0x225 0x00
    0x228 0x00
    0x229 0x00
    0x22A 0x00
    0x22B 0xC0
    0x22C 0x00
    0x22D 0x00
    0x230 0x00
    0x231 0x00
    0x232 0x00
    0x233 0xC0
    0x234 0x00
    0x235 0x00
    0x238 0x00
    0x239 0x00
    0x23A 0x00
    0x23B 0xC0
    0x23C 0x00
    0x23D 0x00
    0x240 0x00
    0x241 0x00
    0x242 0x00
    0x243 0xC0
    0x244 0x00
    0x245 0x00
    0x248 0x00
    0x249 0x00
    0x24A 0x00
    0x24B 0xC0
    0x24C 0x00
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    0x250 0x00
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    0x252 0x00
    0x253 0xC0
    0x254 0x00
    0x255 0x00
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    0x259 0x00
    0x25A 0x00
    0x25B 0xC0
    0x25C 0x00
    0x25D 0x00
    0x2B0 0x00
    0x2B1 0x05
    0x2B5 0x00
    0x2B6 0x00
    0x2B7 0x00
    0x2C1 0x1F
    0x2C2 0x3F
    0x00 0x00
    0x02 0x00
    0x100 0x00
    0x101 0x55
    0x103 0x00
    0x104 0x00
    0x105 0x00
    0x106 0x79
    0x107 0x00
    0x108 0x00
    0x109 0x55
    0x10B 0x00
    0x10C 0x00
    0x10D 0x00
    0x10E 0x79
    0x10F 0x00
    0x110 0x00
    0x111 0x55
    0x113 0x00
    0x114 0x00
    0x115 0x00
    0x116 0x71
    0x117 0x01
    0x118 0x00
    0x119 0x55
    0x11B 0x00
    0x11C 0x00
    0x11D 0x00
    0x11E 0x71
    0x11F 0x01
    0x120 0x00
    0x121 0x55
    0x123 0x00
    0x124 0x00
    0x125 0x00
    0x126 0x71
    0x127 0x01
    0x128 0x00
    0x129 0x55
    0x12B 0x00
    0x12C 0x00
    0x12D 0x00
    0x12E 0x71
    0x12F 0x01
    0x130 0x00
    0x131 0x55
    0x133 0x00
    0x134 0x00
    0x135 0x00
    0x136 0x79
    0x137 0x00
    0x138 0x04
    0x139 0x00
    0x13A 0x01
    0x13B 0x00
    0x13C 0x00
    0x13D 0x08
    0x13E 0x03
    0x13F 0x18
    0x140 0x07
    0x141 0x00
    0x142 0x00
    0x143 0x11
    0x144 0x00
    0x145 0x00
    0x146 0x18
    0x147 0x3A
    0x148 0x02
    0x149 0x42
    0x14A 0x02
    0x14B 0x16
    0x14C 0x00
    0x14D 0x00
    0x14E 0x00
    0x14F 0x7F
    0x150 0x03
    0x151 0x02
    0x152 0x00
    0x153 0x00
    0x154 0x78
    0x155 0x00
    0x156 0x96
    0x157 0x00
    0x158 0x96
    0x159 0x00
    0x15A 0x78
    0x15B 0xD4
    0x15C 0x20
    0x15D 0x00
    0x15E 0x00
    0x15F 0x0E
    0x160 0x00
    0x161 0x02
    0x162 0x5D
    0x163 0x00
    0x164 0x00
    0x165 0x0C
    0x166 0x00
    0x167 0x00
    0x168 0x0C
    0x169 0x59
    0x16A 0x20
    0x16B 0x00
    0x16C 0x00
    0x16D 0x00
    0x16E 0x16
    0x17C 0x15
    0x17D 0x0F
    0x00 0x200C
    0x01 0x080B
    0x09 0x0300
    0x0A 0x10D8
    0x0B 0x0018
    0x0C 0x7001
    0x0D 0x4000
    0x0E 0x018D
    0x1E 0x0034
    0x1F 0x0401
    0x22 0x03F0
    0x23 0x0215
    0x24 0x0511
    0x25 0x4000
    0x26 0x0036
    0x27 0x8204
    0x28 0x0003
    0x29 0x0003
    0x2A 0x0003
    0x2B 0x0003
    0x2C 0x0000
    0x2D 0x0000
    0x2E 0x0003
    0x2F 0x0FB8
    0x30 0xE000
    0x31 0x000C
    0x40 0x0000
    0x03 0x00
    0x0C 0x01
    0x40 0x55
    0x41 0x6E

  • Hi Chase,

    I am going through TI204C IP user guide and found that guidelines for accurate sampling of sysref (section 6.6). I am getting sysref and lmfc pulse alignment slightly different as shown in screenshot. So, is this the cause for the noisy signal. Please guide me.

    Thanks & Regards

    Ramavath Raj Kumar

  • Hi Raj,

    I am summarizing some of points discussed in this thread:

    1) The ADC12DJ3200 is compliant with the jesd204b Standard. It uses K28.5 as the comma character in the initial CGS sequence. The K28.7 character is used for marking frame boundaries (where necessary) when frame monitoring is used. 

    2) If your link comes up, it means that the K28.5 code you have selected in the transceiver wizard is accurate. I am assuming you have started with one of the existing reference designs, so this should already be set in the xci tile  

    3) If see noise, kindly check the error signals of the IP. You may be having signal integrity issues (or a corruption of the data if buffers have overflowed). For data integrity checks, kindly use the PRBS modes of the ADC to do an eye diagram check. 

    4) The LMFC pulse and SYSREF are not misaligned. As per the protocol, the LMFC boundary starts when a positive edge is detected on SYSREF. As a result, the LMFC pulse is delayed by a cycle, but it indicates the first cycle of the multiframe. 

